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google earth overlay for PNW


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. . . flying VFR, it's great to use the PNW Google Earth displayed on a separate monitor, fed from a No2 computer.... :D

Rocky, have you considered using Plan-G?  It's very good indeed (incorporates Google Dirt), and what's more, it's free.


Just in case you weren't aware of it.

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hi HG is the only way to download is to join register and sign up ?

Yeah, I seem to remember you have to register with their forum before you can do the deed.  But it's totally innocuous -- no strings, nothing you'll regret later -- and it only adds to the instructional experience.

Not that it needs a lot;  it's fairly easy to grasp and operate.

With . . . one possible exception, I should p'raps mention now:  At first, for whatever reason, I found it difficult to figure-out how to set-up a basic flight plan with it.  Couldn't grasp it, somehow, and I half-figured it was probably impossible.  THEN, something clicked, and I did a head smack and never looked back.

So it you should run into the same obstacle, just keep looking, and it'll become obvious.  Maybe pick a smacking spot on your head beforehand.

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Apparently the developer hangs out here sometimes....  ;)

And the new version (available Thanksgiving, give or take a day or two), will directly display the overlay on the  Plan-G map (and you don't even have to download it! The overlay, that is  ;))

Posted Image

Oh, and to save you some head trauma, just right-click on the airport where you want to start from....

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