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Are these pictures PNW ? Maybe a problem with the FTX Central.


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Hello to all,

here are a few pics from the PNW area, if they are Orbx everything is okay, if they are not then I have a problem.

I have GEX and UTX USA installed and the UTX night lightning deactivated. And I have the problem that I could activate PNW, but with no effect. (also refer to--->http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=26623.0 )

I have the impression that there are some remains of UTX or GEX ?!?

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Please have a look of the pylons disappearing in the woods. Its straight out to the west from 1S2 Darrington.

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Thanks for help !



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Hello Wolter,

I made it the way you described. But I have still the impression that there are problems with the texture.

Does it help to uninstall UTX or GEX ? Or to install PNW again (over the previous installation ?) ?

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I found the solution. I have to deactivate UTX USA completely. I thought to deactivate the night lights would be enough.

Although the Orbx scenery entries are above UTX, FSX displays only the UTX textures.



If you would be so kind to mark this topic as "solved".

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Hi Jochen,

I would agree with Wolter that you may not have it solved just yet. If the UTX entries were above the ORBX entries then indeed their land class files would trigger the display of default ground and a few custom UTX textures (as your initial screenshots show; there's no PNW visible in those).

If you want me to I can have a look at your scenery library config file and check for other possible issues. It's the "scenery.cfg" file in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX. You can zip it up and upload here like a screenshot or else send me a PM or email and we'll get it to me that way.

Cheers, Holger

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Hello Holger,

yesterday I made a flight from Queen Charlotte Sound via Owikeno Lake to Mt Kinch. Everywhere where the UTX (Kanada) textures. So I deactivated UTX Kanada and everything was fine. I only make flights within the scenery area, so for me it is not a problem to deactivate UTX while flying PNW. The entries in the scenery library show that ORBX is on the first place when activated. I send you my scenery.cfg and you can have a look, maybe other users have the same problem and need a solution.



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