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John York

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Am I alone in not knowing whether I have the latest updates or not?  I come on to the home page for both freeware and payware and can't remember what patches and versions I've got and those I haven't.

Any chance of appending dates to the descriptions?  That way, I would know; 'yes, I've got that.  No that's new.' And so on.

I've only just found the new version of BOB and I'm sure there are upgrades for some of the airports I've simply missed.  It's a real chore to go through them one at a time to compare with what I've got whereas a date would tell me as near as damn it instantly.


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  • 2 months later...

I found this thread by searching, trying to find an answer to just this. Dates would be really helpful, but is there any way to tell what version of scenery you have installed? Or is it just a case of: if in doubt, install the latest patch?

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For a list of what you have installed, open FTXcentral >> Reports >> FTX Products installed and you will have a list of all your FTX items complete with with version information

This is mentioned in the user manuals, for example page 8 of the PNW and PFJ manuals

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I suggested this ages ago too and still got no response.  Having to keep on referring to the list (where its easy to miss an item 'cos the computer never seems to enter them in a what seems to be a logical order)  to check if I have a download is a chore I could do without.


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I suggested this ages ago too and still got no response.  Having to keep on referring to the list (where its easy to miss an item 'cos the computer never seems to enter them in a what seems to be a logical order)  to check if I have a download is a chore I could do without.



I find it helps me to keep track of various downloads when looking at a folder in explore to sort by date so they stay in chronological order, last download on the bottom with its download date.

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Still confused John.  each download has a distinct name and when I download a new library or patch it is saved in my ORBX folder in a sub folder named Installed Patches and Libraries that are sorted by date.  I then delete the older library or patch.  If I believe there is a new patch or library available I check the file name against the one in my folder if its a different name then I know I need to download it and install it.

If I can not figure it out that way I just reinstall it again now I know for sure I have it.

Why ORBX does not date the files can only be answered by them of course.

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Thanks for the info re the report (I missed that), but am with John on the dates thing. Sure, you can figure things out one way or another, but if it's December and you see a patch dated November, you'll know right away whether you need it without having to check file names. Surely not too much hassle to bung a date next to the file?

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