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Passenger Airliners

John York

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;D I'm probably opening 'Pandora's Box' here but can anybody recommend a large jet that's better than the FSX default models please?

I suppose they all are but I have certain criteria.  I don't want to buy from Flight 1 or Aerosoft.  They just make it too difficult.  I would prefer to buy from Flight Sim Store, or, is Orbx coming up with something decent?

I also want one where the instruments all work as they should.  I can't cope with buttons and switches that don't do what the pop up say's they do, especially for fast jets where there's usually only one pop at it before your in the bushes or the drink!

It would be preferable if it looked half like a proper plane in a recognizeable livery.  Not Australian please because I want to fly it mainly over Europe and parts of the USA.

Your suggestions will be very welcome.


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Anything from the masters at PMDG. They are the aircraft equivalent of ORBX in their attention to detail and quality workmanship.

You can choose from the MD-11, 747, J41 (best aircarft on the planet at the moment) or hang off for the next best aircraft on the planet, their new 737NGX.


Oh, sorry, that's not just my opinion!

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Flight 1 Coolsky MD80 Pro (or Classic with Steam Gauges).  Great aircraft, great model, thriving community support and gazillions of repaints.... even after a couple of years she is my hands down favourite passenger 'Jet' airliner.... until the PMDG 737 NGX graces my hard drive with her presence of course...  ;)

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For MD-80, www.flythemaddog.com is by far the best for flight systems. PMDG quality in systems. VC is kinda meh, looks too cartoony, but you'll get used to it. Also, its FS9 model so its sort of a framerate hit, but atleast it has great systems. Thats what counts for me. And when NGX comes out, that will probably be the best one out there for a long time (untill pmdg comes with next aircraft... ^^)

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