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Trenches in runways

Derek McAllan

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G'day guys,

Just got PNW this week, installed it and the OZx addons as well.  Loving it so far, but can you see something wrong in this picture?

Posted Image

That's at Stuart Island 7WA5.  I've noticed a few other similar issues at some airfields (sudden dropoffs, artifacts etc) in the area.  Any idea what could be causing it?  If you need any info, let me know  :)



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Hi Warpspider74,

There is an altitude adjustment for 7WA5.  Please look in your FSX Scenery/World/Scenery and make sure there is file "ADE_FTX_PNW_7WA5_elevation_adjustment_VicPlus.BGLl" and that the .BGL doesn't say ".OFF" instead.  If it does change then the .OFF it to .BGL that should fix the issue but the question would be why, if you applied the North America area in FTX central, the elevation file was still OFF.

Cheers, Neil

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I had the same problem at 90WA and 7WA5. I asked in Ozx forum and it was already known. It was traced to having improperly removed remnants of Vancouver+

I deleted these files and that fixed the problem:

- AFX_2WA3_elevation_adjustment_VicPlus.BGL

- AFX_4WA4_elevation_adjustment_VicPlus.BGL

- AFX_7WA5_elevation_adjustment_VicPlus.BGL

- AFX_CAM3_elevation_adjustment_VicPlus.BGL

- AFX_S31_elevation_adjustment_VicPlus.BGL

- AFX_WA09_elevation_adjustment_VicPlus.BGL

- AFX_WA35_elevation_adjustment_VicPlus.BGL

- AFX_WN07_elevation_adjustment_VicPlus.BGL

Maybe this helps you.

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i'm having the same problem.

never had Victoria+, mesh sizes only change how wide the trench is.

i'm guessing its a flatten issue on the centerline on the runway.

and tried all solutions provide here and on ozx forum...

think we have to wait for an update

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