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Introducing my new simpit N508NP


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For two years I've been designing my new simpit and in a way, I am happy that I waited as only the software and hardware got better. I enjoy flying small GA (single and twin) in both standard and VR so I wanted to design a simpit that allows all of that. With standard flying I determined that having G5s covering my 6pack and AirManager for all the support gauges, I could switch out from various planes. To keep it authentic for the two different types of TPM (Push/Pull vs rotating levers) I installed both. Lastly for VR, which I only enjoy flying in VFR conditions based on the work load, I put in the Logitech radio panel to allow me to change freq with a knob as well as the GTN750. So heres three videos of my new simpit that is completely mobile and self contained. Just needs three cords to be plugged in. One that provides all the power, one that powers the heater-a/c, and an internet cord. (Looking to add skylink to it as well).

I picked up 11 Black Friday Orbx addons of the few ones I dont already own so I have some great exploring to do in the near future.






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Thanks Wayne. I have MSFS and XPlane12 currently installed. I just got the computer on Thursday and my focus was in getting MSFS all up and configured as a priority. I will eventually add AeroflyFS because flying a Helo in VR is very realistic in that sim of which I have a collective and stick but since it will be VR I can set that up outside the simpit as I just need the chair that already has the collective attached to it and so that will be a small addition and easy to do.


For XPlane I really like the REP planes and the Baron as it makes for a great all weather (de-ice boots) VFR & IFR option to fly. However, as I am getting use to this new Accusim v2, the real pilot in me is loving the fact that the simpit is growing its own identity with the persistent wear and really makes me focused on being the best pilot with power plant and airframe in mind.

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Just unbelieveble! How cool is that! Excellent and painstaking work! You're great Kilstorm! Watching your video, it was as if for a moment I was in the cockpit of a real airplane! I think these are the sensations that we, Simers, lack!) Devices, buttons, ratchets, press and twist) Thank you for the review!!!

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