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Overclocking - Worth it?


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I yesterday got Prolimatech Megahalems cooler and attached two fans on it, and finally got it stable at 4.2GHz. I decided to do some testing with intel boxed cooler, and tested min max avg fps with fraps on FTX seattle, and i got min 3 fps, MAX 13 fps and avg. 7fps. Then, changed to megahalems and now with 4.2GHz overclock, i got min 8, max 20, avg 14 (!!) FPS, both times i had everything maxed except mesh res. 5m and water on 2x high, no AI. Also, unlimited fps and weather set to major thunderstorm.

So i would say, OC'ing your CPU is worth it! ;) Now, GPU... :P

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I decided to do some testing with intel boxed cooler

You're overclocking to 4.2Ghz on the STOCK COOLER?

If so, your CPU is probably dead or on its last legs.

I wouldn't go to 4.2Ghz without a highly sophisticated water cooling setup, never on air regardless of how good the cooler is.

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He's using a Prolimatech Megahalems to cool his setup Sifor.

As for OC'ing at 4.2Ghz on air, I myself have my CPU at 4.2Ghz on air and it only reaches 60C during a full load torture test...

The newer i5 and i7's do not require the amount of voltage that the older chips did, and therefore require less cooling.

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Yes, the stock cooler sucks.

However, I've had my i7 O/C'd and stable to 4.55 ghz on a Coolermaster V8 air cooler and my temps at full load hover at 70 degrees C. Of course a major factor in successful air cooling at that CPU speed is the case. I've said it several times on these boards, the case is one of the very important, oft overlooked parts of the whole system. A properly cooled case with excellent air flow and proper cable management will make all the difference when air cooling.

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Yes, my temps max out on Intelburntest with maximum stress level at 85c, but i think i failed to correctly instert the thermal paste on the cpu, becouse i had troubles screwing the megahalems on to the mobo, and it moved a little bit, so there might be some air bubbles. When i've got more time i'll re-apply the thermal paste. How did you manage to install the cooler Stephen? The "bar" that you screw into the mobo, with the spring loaded screws... I struggled with that alot, becouse the screws just didn't go all the way to the holes, you had to press it lil bit and then the cooler moved... Oh well, but cpu is stable now. in Bad Company 2 and fsx max temps are 73c, when loading. Ingame at 65c.

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Guest AS355F


I yesterday got Prolimatech Megahalems cooler and attached two fans on it, and finally got it stable at 4.2GHz. I decided to do some testing with intel boxed cooler, and tested min max avg fps with fraps on FTX seattle, and i got min 3 fps, MAX 13 fps and avg. 7fps. Then, changed to megahalems and now with 4.2GHz overclock, i got min 8, max 20, avg 14 (!!) FPS, both times i had everything maxed except mesh res. 5m and water on 2x high, no AI. Also, unlimited fps and weather set to major thunderstorm.

So i would say, OC'ing your CPU is worth it! ;) Now, GPU... :P

Are you using the SM3 mod and UsePools=0 mod with that 4870?

I had stuttering on my 5870 in heavy cloud until I found the SM3.0 mod (actually I think it's SM3.1) and now I find my 5870 is the equal of any 480.

If only they coded FSX correctly in the first place.

EDIT: I didn't find any great gains overclocking my videocard I run the core at 900MHz and memory at 5000. My next experiment will be another 5870. I had good gains with 2 4870s in crossfire so 5870's shouldn't be any different.

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GPU overclocking is usually more for the competetive OC, to gain couple extra 3dmarks for example. With "extreme cooling" (AC on coldest, fan blowing into the case) i could OC ~70MHz core and 100MHz memory, which was ~1-2 fps (didnt benchmark it, but looking at frames...).

No, i only have JV's enbseries mod and usepools=0, and usepools i did benchmark, it gained me 3 fps. I have read that the SM3 mod may cause some glitches, and i have been wanting to fly lately, not tweak my FSX. :P

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