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Nvidia 257.21 Drivers Out Today!!

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I just installed them and the slicing of the aircraft preview screen is now fixed for 5040 x 1050 with the 480GTX.  Still unusable for flight at that resolution on the 480GTX though, with serious graphics errors (flashing, black screen, other corruption and sometimes even crashing) when using shifted commands, brakes, zoom, etc.  From what I can gather it seems the only other wide screen resolution that works with FSX is 3840 x 1024, which is the wrong aspect ratio for my monitors so I still can't use it with TH2GO.  Great card but the lack of driver support for other widescreen resolutions for the TH2GO is a real downer for me.  I guess I'll just have to be patient and enjoy the single screen performance while I wait for the drivers to (hopefully) catch up.

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Roll back to a driver that still gives you the TH2Go capacity.

Many people, including Nick Needham of Simviation and other sites, have their favourites and only change to another driver when they are convinced of its performance and stability.

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Unfortunately none of them work at the right aspect ratio for my monitors with TH2GO on the 480.  Rolling back to one that works would mean going back to the 285 and losing out on the extra performance that the 480 gives.

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Graham have you seen this....

Follow me and you will be OK

Note - make sure you update your matrox to firmware 2.3.40 and video table 6.56.

1. Install nvidia driver.

2. Install PowerDesk and run the wizard for 1680x1050x1 @ 60Hz

3. Create a custom resolution in nvidia driver with the same numbers you see in the pic:

5040.pngPosted Image

4. PLAY AROUND WITH THE VERTICAL REFRESH RATE till you found the number that works for you. ex. 59.454 ,59.400 etc...


- Go to your Powerdesk SE install folder.

- Edit DeviceInfo.ini with notepad, find and replace all

"Name=CUST_MODE" to "Name=CUST_MODE_1" and

"Name=CustomDisplay" to "Name=CustomDisplay_1"

- Reboot

6. Send me your love - and have a blast playing @ 5040x1050@59.xxxHz

USE 59.45 !!!!!!!!!!!!

I have gtx480, th2go and run at 5040x1050 OK , I found this in an nvidia support forum sometime ago, I also used it with the 257.21 driver. ok

regards  Jorge

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Hi Jorge,

I've been using that already but thanks anyway for taking the time to post it.  Knowing you've got that resolution working OK gives me some hope.  I've just tried again with 59.450 but still no joy.  I also put the 920 back to 2.66GHz but that didn't help.

I can get 5040x1050 working OK in desktop.  I've tried it with every refresh rate in increments of 0.001 from 59.300 up to 59.750.  A number of them work in desktop (59.350, 59.450, 59.500, 59.650 and 59.750) but I get horrendous graphics problems with every one of these in FSX. 

I've tried every 197.41, 197.55, 197.75, 257.15, 257.21 and 258.49 and whenever I've changed drivers I've done it as per Nick Needham's instructions, used Driver Sweeper to remove all traces of the previous driver and also made sure the standard VGA driver is installed before installing another driver.

I don't know what else to try and I'm wondering what's different about your setup from mine.  May I ask which GTX480 you have, what monitors you have and whether your TH2GO is analogue or digital?


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Sorry to hear that, I run GTX480 EVGA no OC, i7 920 OC to 3.9 (I have the PCI freq at 100) 12G mem 3xvelocyraptors in Raid 5 W7 64bit.

I just reinstalled the WHQL version of 257,21 yesterday and it was a matter of going to Nvidia Ctrl Panel and followinng the instructions to set the custom res, I have it a 59,45, press test then goes away and comes back asking "do you wanrt this???...answer yes  and off I go as I have now the file changed and don't need to do it again, if Matrox powerdesk says that it needs to reboot I say no and done.

regards  Jorge

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I got Triplehead2Go working with the new driver by just installing the profiles via the Matrox SOftware then 5040 x 1050 was selectable in my display resolutions.

My problem now is that I can't get good Full Screen AA, it seems like the default AA.  I get the right AA in windowed mode by a severe drop in performance.

Also when messages pop up like Rex is loading weather the whole screen blacks out for a second.

Still waiting on 3d vision surround drivers I guess.

On the plus side the card let me put up ridiculous autogen and weather. So I can see the possibilites ahead.

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OK so after trying it for 2 hours I don't see any improvement as far as FPS but it does look like the details in the scenery is better......can it be my new glasses?........ ;D

I have also noticed that the scenery looks better.

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I got Triplehead2Go working with the new driver by just installing the profiles via the Matrox SOftware then 5040 x 1050 was selectable in my display resolutions."

My understanding was that the Matrox software doesn't show 5040 x 1050 with W7.  Are you using W7 or XP?

My problem now is that I can't get good Full Screen AA, it seems like the default AA.  I get the right AA in windowed mode by a severe drop in performance.

Have you tried Nick Needham's adjustments for the 257.15 driver?


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