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Central is not reconizing download files

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I have built a new system and after installing central the app will not recognize any of my scenery files , I did a back up from 4.5 on a external drive and have moved to 5.2 and installed my files into the library but yet no joy can you please allow a way to re down load my files. My error file is attached. In the main file structure is a folder named Orbx so I loaded all my files there so the sim works yet central dose not function.


Thank you

Central File.txt

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Just now, Metalman64 said:

Do I need to re download the installs for 5.2

 You should be able to just select the v5.2 simulator in Orbx Central and then select install function, and Orbx Central will use portions of the v4.5 files and only download the the v5.2 compatible files.

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No, when you open Orbx Central and select the v5 simulator from the top drop down menu and click on "My Products" all your v5 compatible products should show on a list on the left hand side, then click on the product and it should reveal the install button.

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I really appreciate your help but when i click on my products there are not very many choices there , as you can see from my error file I own a lot of scenery I guess the real question is how do i get my files into my product page, you are right when i click on something it does give me the ability to download but my list is short sorry for putting you through all this.



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No I built this new system and it is a real power house but the 4.5 version was on my other computer so I moved the SSD to this new machine, this is the only time I've ever had so much trouble, so I formatted the drive and installed 5.2 I saw a video on installing 5.2 that central should be installed in place of the other central and the new central would pick up the needed files so I may have jumped the wrong way.



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The older FTX Central won't work anymore for you. And no need to reinstall v4.5.

I would go to the Orbx Direct website at https://orbxdirect.com/ and login, and go to "Account" and view all your products, then you should be able to select the product and click on the green "Download via Orbx Central" button, just make sure you are also logged into Orbx Central with the same email as you are using for Orbx Direct. 

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