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Orbx Central — Slow Downloads

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I am consistently only able to download at around 380KB - 400KB/s. This is consistent on multiple machines, wired to wireless, on a 1GBps connection. Orbx Central is the only application I have that has this problem. 


Are there any known fixes to speed up downloads?




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If you search this topic you'll find many posts on slow downloads, most relate to a single user.  In almost every case the problem has been determined to be somewhere between the Orbx servers and the user's machine, and outside Orbx's control. 


Often it's a caching issue, the ISP sees the data flow as a P2P or similar and throttles the data flow. Resetting a modem and/or ip address can sometimes help. 


If multiple users start reporting slow downloads the Orbx team will naturally investigate. 

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