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KSJC Purple Taxi Way Marking

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I just purchased the Orbx KSJC and noticed there is a big part of the taxi way which is marked with a purple color on the pavement. I purchased this through the marketplace in MSFS.


Is this an issue or should I have purchased it directly from Orbx?

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17 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


welcome to the forums.

This is not a part of the default airport and you should not be seeing it.

Do you have addons in your Community folder and if so, how does the airport look if you have none instead?

Ahh, it turns out it was an addon in my community folder. It was the gatwick airport from flightsim.to. Just in case someone else has this issue, the gatwick airport which is very popular on flightsim. to seems to conflict with Orbx KSJC.


Thanks again.

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