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moving Orbx to new PC

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Dear sirs,


i have a lot of Orbx sceneries ( p3dv4àand i would like to know what i have to do.


do i inactive or delete all files or do i uninstall all files on my old PC?

do i install the Orbx central on my new computer with same emial address and pasword on My new PC?


will i see all my sceneries back on my new PC?


or do i have to do something else?

is there the possibilty to install in a fast way ?


many thanks for assisting me!


best rgds



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There are a few shortcuts of varying complexity but one simple data saver I have found useful is to have your sceneries saved somewhere, if they're in the P3DV4 folder simple copy the Orbx folder to another drive, it they're in a library on a different drive then they will be exactly where you want them.


After setting up your new computer and installing P3DV4 you can simple move the Orbx folder back in to the P3DV4 folder, and when you use the Sync Simulator command in Orbx Central it should rebuild the scenery indexes etc.  If there are any problems with the sync then as long as the Scenery and Texture folders are in the correct pathway then when you install the scenery from Orbx Central only the additional files will be downloaded and installed, usually a small download.


Same goes for Library items, if the drive that has the library sceneries has the same letter as in your current setup, Orbx Central should have no problem in finding the sceneries when you sync the simulator.  Once again, if there's a problem, having the large data in the Scenery and Texture folders ready to go means that any downloads should be small.


If you're hesitant, just try one scenery as a test, get the files into the right location, and press install and you should see Orbx Central find the Scenery and Texture folders, and only need to download the smaller files to set up the scenery for P3DV4.

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Thanks John,


the drive letter will not be the same. now p3dv4 is on K and the addiyional Orbx library is on drive O.

to be clear:


1/ i make a copy of Orbx scenery and texture

2/ delete or desinstall Orbx scenery on old PC 

3/ install Central Orbx on new PC

4/ copy sceneries and texture to new PC or copy old CENTRAl to new PC.


best rgds 


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OK here's an old post that is still relevant, follow this carefully you should have no problems.


The important thing is if you have a copy of the Orbx folder and a your scenery library if you have one, one way or another you won't need to download large volumes of data.



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thank you john,


i have also a secnd part of Orbx on another drive. Can i just tfr those sceneries to the main Orbx. for the moment i can't because the ,main p9dv4 because no space enough. 


best rgds,



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Just make sure you have saved the sceneries somewhere and you can always retrieve them for the new pc install.


Probably a good idea to famioliarise yourself with the different file structures between the P3D Orbx folder and a library folder.  More files and folders in the library.

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