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Thoughts on the i7 875k....

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I'm currently building a new rig for FSX, and considering this proc.  Just wondering what others thoughts were, and if others were planning on snagging this deal.  Sounds like a good overclocker.




The other components of my new rig:    evga P55 FTW200, evga GTX470 SC, Corsair SMS3 8 GB(4x2) DDR3 ram, Corsair H50 CPUcooler, Corsair 950watt PSU, Coolermaster HAF 932 case.  I'll have the OS and other programs on a WD Black 1TB 32MBcache drive, with FSX & assorted addons on a WD 640 GB Black.

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Well, if I get the chance, I plan on replacing my i5-750 with it (since it's an LGA 1156 CPU). The reviews I've read on it, not just the ones you linked to, praised it, but as always we'll see in a couple of months after release if she really is as good of an overclocker as the samples given to the reviewers...  ;)

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I recieved an email from NCIX hours after I bought the CPU...they don't actually have any in stock, (like it claimed on the site) but will do their best to make sure I get one as soon as possible.  What a dirty trick!  The waiting game begins....

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I didn't think the GTX470 was that good? Infact, isn't the GTX285 more powerful? Don't quote me on that.

I debated on purchasing an i7, as everyone in the FSX community suggested it, but in the end I couldn't justify the price difference and got the i5-750. Overclocked at 4GHz FSX runs better than I could have ever imagined. Going by what other i7 users are saying, I honestly think an i7 would only benefit me by 3 or 4 extra frames.

What is it about the i7 that makes it a better FSX chip? I've never really had a straight answer. Considering FSX doesn't benefit from hyperthreading and the i7-8xx is on the same chipset.

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I didn't think the GTX470 was that good? Infact, isn't the GTX285 more powerful? Don't quote me on that.

I debated on purchasing an i7, as everyone in the FSX community suggested it, but in the end I couldn't justify the price difference and got the i5-750. Overclocked at 4GHz FSX runs better than I could have ever imagined. Going by what other i7 users are saying, I honestly think an i7 would only benefit me by 3 or 4 extra frames.

What is it about the i7 that makes it a better FSX chip? I've never really had a straight answer. Considering FSX doesn't benefit from hyperthreading and the i7-8xx is on the same chipset.

In fact, the GTX 470 IS that good. I went from a GTX 280 to a GTX 470, and it allowed my to run FSX on very high settings WITHOUT any tweaks to my FSX.CFG..none. I get silky smooth performance at locked 40 FPS with ZERO stutters, 32x AA and 16x Anistropic filtering. AI Traffic at 100%, Autogen at Very Dense and most other sliders full right or mostly full right. Screen resolution is set at 1920 by 1200.

Further, some major things that make an I7 9xx CPU chip so good over lower range or older CPU chips is the QPI (Quick Path Interconnect) that replaces the older FSB. Also, the manner in which the onboard cache is accessed is much more efficient than lesser chips. Also, the I7 9xx chips are much more open to stable over clocking and are able to run at warmer temps without stability issues that affect lower range chips.

This is just general info, as I am at work and don't have time to get more specific for you, but that should give you an idea.

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Well s0cks; the jury is still out on that GTX470.  I replaced my GTX260 core216 with the 470 on my old computer....and saw NO improvement.  Not a difference in frames at all.  Maybe a little smoother.  I'll have to wait until my new proc shows up to give you heads-up on if it makes a difference or not....I'm interested to find out myself.  I'm gonna try both on the new proc.

As far as the i7 over the i5 for FSX, I would think the i5 chips would do just about as good...but with the affinity tweak i've heard some pretty good results on those i7's.

Along with the i7 875K, intel is also releasing a DualCore i5 655K "unlocked" processor which is half the price...and would probably make FSX smooooooooooth.  both are 1156 chips and will fit on the same board.

My understanding is that since both are released to be overclocked....overclocking will not void the 3 year warranty...!  I'm not sure if there are restrictions on that...but I will find out.

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Ok, you pretty much summed up what I thought as the i5 also has QPI. I'm very happy with my purchase, and as I play games and do pretty much nothing else on my PC I didn't see the need for hyperthreading, and thus an i7. If I did, I personally I would go i7-9xx to take advantage of the triple memory on the X58, but again, it's a budget issue.

I'm tempted by the GTX480, but I'm still in two minds of whether I really need to spend NZ$850 just for FSX. I'll make my decision on pay day :D

I highly recommend the i5-750 to anyone on a budget, as long as you are prepared to overclock.

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The dirty tricks at NCIX continue....  Been waiting for an email and decided to check availability at other stores...and wait a minute, my store is showing one in stock.  Call them up and lo and behold, there is a 875K on hold for somebody and has been since one day after I made my purchase!

I sorted that out, and also got them to pricematch newegg's price...which they probably would have done right after I walked out of the store with mine.

Will be building this weekend!

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Guest AS355F

Get the AMD 1090T. 6 cores for ~$200. Mine overclocks to 4.5Ghz although I leave it at 4.2 for FSX and stock for everyday use to save power.

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Guest AS355F

My understanding is that since both are released to be overclocked....overclocking will not void the 3 year warranty...!  I'm not sure if there are restrictions on that...but I will find out.

I wouldn't tempt them if I were you. It's just a normal warranty, those chips have come out so they can match the AMD Black Edition chips which are unlocked.

Ignore my post above I see you have made your purchase.

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Yes, you're correct:  adjusting voltage or frequency voids the warranty.  The confusion on my part was that the chip has built in "turbo boost" which acts like an overclock.  Oh well, still will be fun to play with!

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Guest AS355F

Yes, you're correct:  adjusting voltage or frequency voids the warranty.  The confusion on my part was that the chip has built in "turbo boost" which acts like an overclock.  Oh well, still will be fun to play with!

Yeah turbo is covered. It's ironic because turbo both overvolts and overclocks.

I don't use it though, I find it too erratic and unpredictable.

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Well i have the machine built, and its a beast!  I probably wont start fooling with overclocking for about a month when i know for sure there are no defects with the cpu/motherboard.

Turbo boost on right now, and the rig handles PNW very well, havent done any benchmarks yet but will post some in time.

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Overclock voids warranty yes, but question is, how will they know its overlocked. you can reset the clocks to default easily. And if going for a fermi, you should go and get GTX480. GTX470 consumes more power and produces more heat than a HD5870, but with same performance. Making GTX470 useless to get, since HD5870 offers same amount of performance with less heat and power consumption. But i haven't seen any FSX benchmarks tho, but i have been told HD5xxx series is catching nvidia on performance, as earlier GTX285 gives better performance in FSX than HD4870, but in other games HD4870 is better, making me believe its driver issue.

I'm eagerly waiting for benchmarks! :)

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