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Still no taxiway lights durning night after patch install (V1.10 YBBN)


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Hi folks,

i still have the issue of no taxiway lights during the night. I installed the patch and did a night approach to RWY 19. I've got centreline lights, HIRL but no taxiway lights which makes taxiing to the gate rather difficult.

Even a reinstall of YBBN and reinstalling the patch did not cure the problem.


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Hey Conchi,

Could you please take a screen shot of the entire contents of your effects\texture\ folder and post it ont this thread please.


Erm, how do i take pictures of folders? do i need a special program? i must admit i only know how to take pictures inside FSX  :-[

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Hi Conchi,

go to Martin Wright's site here => http://www.btinternet.com/~mnwright

get the tool called MultiGrab

make sure you install his latest .dll set as well on the bottom of the page of the MultiGrab

install is straight forward and you can safe your screenies as jpg, to take the screenie use the Print Screen key when the proggy is active

Good Luck :)

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Hi Conchi,

It looks you are missing a few effects ???

attached a little file I made for you,

Effects go in the effects folder and the textures in the texture folder that is in the Effects folder

Have fun and let me know if you've seen the light ;D;)

Hm, very strange...

right now i am not at my home(fsx) computer but i will report back...


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The folder you have shown is the Effect\Texture folder. We need a shot of just the Effect folder.

The taxiway lights are the same as used at YMML, and i think you mentioned that the taxiway lights were working at YMML.

Here you go:

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

And yes Martin, you are right, taxiway lights and overall all lights at YMML work as intended.

Hope the pics are ok and might help you.

@Wolter:  Unfortunately, the missing files did not cure the problem, still no taxiway lights :S



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Conchi & Team

I have been following this thread with some interest given I  possibly have similar problems ??

@ YBBN, I get all lights sometime, at other times no taxiway lights. It seems the heavier the weather (extra FPS from clouds etc.) seems to cause the lights problem - as it also does cause stutter on the runway during take-off / landing in my wilco e190.

@ YMML, almost the same result except I loose taxiway and runway edge lights in heavy weather.

I was missing some of the files Wolter posted yesterday.  My PC is similar to Conchi's - i5-540 with 4GB RAM and 1.0Gb Video but W7 64bit.

For me, it seems more of a RAM issue complicated by the speed issue particularly on landing. I've tried sliders to the left, but similar result.

Any comments on your experience / thoughts versus mine would be appreciated.

Cheers for now


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It is possible that it is some sort of memory issue. I did see this when developing YMML as all the runway lights and approach lights use effects. and i found FSX would kill them sometimes. But i have never seen it at YBBN, and at YMML the taxiway lights never were effected by this issue.

I do feel it is some sort of memory thing as they work at YMML for you. Your folders seem to have the right files.

Conchi try dropping all your settings a bit ( you may have done this already)

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It is possible that it is some sort of memory issue. I did see this when developing YMML as all the runway lights and approach lights use effects. and i found FSX would kill them sometimes. But i have never seen it at YBBN, and at YMML the taxiway lights never were effected by this issue.

I do feel it is some sort of memory thing as they work at YMML for you. Your folders seem to have the right files.

Conchi try dropping all your settings a bit ( you may have done this already)

I'll do as suggested and see if it works.

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Unfortunately, lowering the settings did not work for me  ???

However, i think i forgot to say that during dusk or dawn, the taxiway lights are there. I don't know if that helps but well...

Is it possible that i might have a somehow damaged install.exe from YBBN? i was one of the earliest who downloaded and isntalled YBBN. Should i try and download a new .exe file from FSS for YBBN to see if my install is corrupted?


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To further comment from my experience:

@ YBBN taxiway lights are there at dusk (moderate weather) but no runway lights

@ YMML the same but also taxiway lights in day (moderate weather)

One test I tried was "loading" YBBN (aircraft cold&dark) at runway end in heavy weather at night - all there with at least 15 FPS ....away from the terminal ??

The other observations in my "tests" - both taxiway & runway lights when present @ YMML float above ground in VC but not in 2D !!

The alternative I have partly & successfully tested is adding taxiway lights to the YBBN APX file ... but they don't exactly follow the photoreal centrelines (and I need to work out which effects file etc I need to delete / turn off)

& for now, I use ASE / XG weather - I wonder if REX has less impact (I'm convinced weather + ORBX @ YBBN + "a fast" jet are a bit beyond my PC's memory but probably not its processor).



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The YMML Taxiway lights and the YBBN lights are a little different in that YMML taxiways lights stay on 24 hrs a day, YBBN should work Dusk Night and Dawn.

Conchi i looks like there is an error somewhere that implies the taxiway lights for YBBN have only a Dawn/Dusk setting but not Night. The models for the taxiway lights themselves are contained on the Orbxlibs folders. I will have a closer look but i know the lights i placed at YBBN worked at Night because i placed them at night in the sim.

So perhaps the Orbxlibs folder has an older object library or is suffering a conflict.

What version of YMML are you using?

John, the YBBN runway lights are default lights and not simple effects like the taxiway lights, so the on/off control is coded in FSX. I did this because Default runway lights are weather interactive, meaning they turn on in low visibility conditions, where as Effect based lights (eg YMML Runway lights) have very limited control and cannot be coded to react to weather conditions.

I use my taxiway light effects because they are bi-directional as they are in real life so they are brightest when heading directly toward them, but Dim/not visible from the side, where as default taxiway lights are omni-directional, also the default colour is wrong and too green. Real ones have a more blue green appearance.

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The YMML Taxiway lights and the YBBN lights are a little different in that YMML taxiways lights stay on 24 hrs a day, YBBN should work Dusk Night and Dawn.

Conchi i looks like there is an error somewhere that implies the taxiway lights for YBBN have only a Dawn/Dusk setting but not Night. The models for the taxiway lights themselves are contained on the Orbxlibs folders. I will have a closer look but i know the lights i placed at YBBN worked at Night because i placed them at night in the sim.

So perhaps the Orbxlibs folder has an older object library or is suffering a conflict.

What version of YMML are you using?

John, the YBBN runway lights are default lights and not simple effects like the taxiway lights, so the on/off control is coded in FSX. I did this because Default runway lights are weather interactive, meaning they turn on in low visibility conditions, where as Effect based lights (eg YMML Runway lights) have very limited control and cannot be coded to react to weather conditions.

I use my taxiway light effects because they are bi-directional as they are in real life so they are brightest when heading directly toward them, but Dim/not visible from the side, where as default taxiway lights are omni-directional, also the default colour is wrong and too green. Real ones have a more blue green appearance.


So, from your post i assume we can exclude a corrupted install.exe of YBBN, right?  It is still very strange, because it looks like i am just one of a view who experience that problem. I'm asking myself what is wrong with my YBBN and what is right with the ones who work correct  ???

Hopefully you find the problem as i have absolutely no idea left in mind what else i could do except flying during the day, dusk and dawn  :(


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Martin / Conchi

Yes Conchi it is curious why only a few are reporting this issue .... you would guess that a lot of Orbx's users are from downunder like me and do many "nite flights" after their real world chores are done !!

I too have V1.5 of YMML.

I note that when loading YMML purchased after YBBN that it included an earlier OrbxLIB than that loaded with YBBN - should one delete the folder & re-install the latest directly ??

I must add some surprise that YMML runway lights are not default like YBBN & thus react to weather - I have activiated the YMML default through the APX file (the effects lights are very dim and just show at dusk and fade / are off at night (or is it a conflict with the single runway - I haven't checked the cross runway to see the result).

I look forward to further advice on this !

Cheers for now


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Martin / Conchi

An update on my experiences @ YBBN & YMML - since increasing my RAM from 4 to 6GB.

@ YBBN, taxiway lights always at dusk / night on departure but never arrival & in both instances a liitle stutter around the terminal but no longer on the runway (fps 12-15 on the ground most times everywhere). My speculation is the taxiway lights' effects are not loading as a priority against other textures / weather / aircraft demands etc. on approach to land ??

@ YMML, taxiway lights day / dusk / night, but runway lights oddly appear dusk / night to only half of the runway length (R16/34) in single runway mode, sometimes to the northern end (including HIAL), other times the southern end, but not both on the same occassion. This is a slightly better result then when I had less RAM & no runway lights.

For now, wish we could use default runway lights at YMML(as done @ YBBN) irrespective & look forward to any notes on your review of the ORBXLIBs.



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You will have to bear with me on this one, I am working on YMML V2 with which i am going to revise the runways lights and review the taxiway lights.

The YMML runway light thing is very strange. what seems to happen is that FSX is drawing them on a slope so only one end of the runway has lights and the rest are underground. The actual effect is attached to the Runway light model which you can clearly see on the side of the runway. So i suspect it is a memory issue and how FSX manages effects.

I think this is the same with YBBN and the taxiway lights. It has been seen before that effects sometime only activate when you start at a location but not when you arrive at a location. Again an FSX thing. There are some work around so you might need to give me a bit of time to work on a more reliable system.

My lowly system has never had a problem with the taxiway lights, but for sure i get the YMML runway lights issue 50% of the time. So i suspect the issue is how FSX is managing the lights rather than a problem with the lights as such.

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I am encouraged by your notes & ambitions with V2 (and I guess a similar effort on the planned 2nd patch for YBBN).

For now then, if you need any further comments, just call !!



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I'm a new FTX-user. A few days ago I've ordered YBBN and I've got the same problem.

Yesterday I made a flight at night from YHBA to YBBN and there were no taxilights to be seen at YBBN. After finishing the flight I've reloaded YBBN and all the blue taxilight were to be there.

I've installed YMML V1.5 too.


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To add my bit ....

I have YBBN 1.1 and no YMML

I have green centreline lights ... but no blue taxiway lights ... dusk or night.

Is that the way it's supposed to be?

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I'm a new FTX-user. A few days ago I've ordered YBBN and I've got the same problem.

Yesterday I made a flight at night from YHBA to YBBN and there were no taxilights to be seen at YBBN. After finishing the flight I've reloaded YBBN and all the blue taxilight were to be there.

I've installed YMML V1.5 too.


Did you install YBBN v1.1? http://ftx-cdn.com//orbx_ftx_distro/FTXAUYBBN110_PATCH.zip

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Guest AS355F

@ YMML, taxiway lights day / dusk / night, but runway lights oddly appear dusk / night to only half of the runway length (R16/34) in single runway mode, sometimes to the northern end (including HIAL), other times the southern end, but not both on the same occassion. This is a slightly better result then when I had less RAM & no runway lights.

For now, wish we could use default runway lights at YMML(as done @ YBBN) irrespective & look forward to any notes on your review of the ORBXLIBs.



I noticed a similar thing myself. Half an hour ago I setup fsx for circuits on rwy 34 at 1600hrs in the Carenado Seneca and I had 5 rows of rwy edge lights and probably double that for the rwy centreline. After changing the time forward 2hrs (night vs dusk) the problem had sorted itself out. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed 09/27 wasn't right either but I didn't look into that any further.

I'm using 8gb ram so I don't believe that should be a problem.

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  • 1 month later...

The problem with the taxiway lights is that they work fine on some computers eg mine and all of the orbx team, but for some users they are intermittent. This makes it very hard to devise a fix.

The lights are effects, but FSX has a habit of sometimes dumping light effects on its own. I am working on YMML V2 which will include a review of the taxiways lights there, which are the exact same as those used at YBBN.

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