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Can't view FTX Tas Spring Season demo , although it's in FTX Central Registry

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I have not been able to view the above FTX scenery, or the demos, even though it's listed in the FTX central Registry (but it's not listed in FSX Scenery ). The download said it was going to C:\Program Files\...... Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ .... (I was not given any other choice ), but I can't find it there. The only downloaded freeware files I HAVE benn able to use (eg Ant's Australian Airports ), I was given a choice of where to download them to and from "Browse"... selected  C:\......\DOCUMENTS\ Microsoft Flight Simulator X.....,    as instructed. The same for a number of other (freeware) downloads, eg OZx_AUS_v 3.0 and v3.1. I have the impression that they have indeed been loaded into FSX, since it is  much slower to load than previously.

I am using Vista 32 bit with SP2.


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The easiest way to check if the FTX demo is installed correct is to:

1. Navigate to your FSX base folder, and check to see if there is an ORBX folder there. All Orbx addons must be added to the ORBX folder within the FSX base folder, mainly due to how the simulator is architected.

2. From your FSX Scenery Library menu, you should see a bunch of entries such as:





If both of the above are true, then the FTX Tasmania demo is installed.

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There is indeed an Orbx folder, which contains the files you listed (which are also in FSC "Available Scenery "), but not the Tasmania Demo files or Orbx AUS v 3.0 and v3.1 files (perhaps the FTX files listed in Available Scenery come from these downloads?) and I can't find the demos either.  The ORBx Script folder doesn't have any FTX texture files.

In FSX, I have gone to Free Flight and entered both Launceston and YMLT as the starting Airport (with the aircraft as the Ultra Lite, C172, Beech Baron and the big Helo, but they all come up with the default FSX airport scenery. The scenery around Launceston HAS changed, from the initial default FSX, to something more recent, (it's actually worse than the default FSX - there's no water in the Tamar River beyond where the North Esk joins it, and none at all in the South Esk , or in the Gorge ; there's a basin for the outflow from the power station, but no power station and no dam for it ),  but not the FTX scenery.

Thanks again for your help.

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Aha ! I think I've found the problem: On the FTX Central front page is a box which is labelled use Orbx Trees, which was NOT ticked; when I did tick it, all the other FTX downloads appeared in the FTX available scenery, and presumably, now, in FSX available scenery (although I haven't checked that yet .Thanks again for your prompt reply.

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(which are also in FSC "Available Scenery "), but not the Tasmania Demo files

Sorry, but you've completely lost me here. What is FSC "Available Scenery"? You need to run FSX, then press the [settings] button then select the [scenery Library] Button. You should see something like this:

Posted Image

Your screen may vary depending on what else you have installed, but you should see those entries for the FTX Tasmania demo. There is no scenery folder with the name 'Tasmania' in it.

If you are not seeing anything different than default, then please can you post some screenshots of what you see in the sim so we have a point of reference. Info for how to post screenshots can be found here - http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=1316.0

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FSC was a typo - should have been FSX; sorry about that.

Since ticking the Use Orbx Trees box and the clicking Apply, which put the Tas Demo into FTX Central, but not into FSX available scenery, I've tried running Free Flight again from L'ton with C 172, but same old story.

So I restarted the computer, checked that everything was OK in FTX Central>Tools>Installed FTX Products;Opened FSX>Settings>Scenery>Continue (which builds new scenery files and brings up an error: SCENERY.CFG file error; Invalid remote scenery path in scenery area 003 (which is FTXAI_TRAFFIC), Clicked on OK to continue; perhaps I should try to fix this error - how? ). Went to Free Flight, L'ton, C172, same old story

BTW, how do I get to the L'ton Airport etc demos in FSX (for when I get this lot working ).

Getting screen shots out of FSX is beyond my (very limited ) current cpability at present, but if it's necessary, I'll have a shot (although it might take a couple of days ! )

Thanks again.

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Sorry to keep bugging (perhaps I'm just DUMB !).

I found a key (V) for capturing screen shots, (I don't want/need a whole video ) so I flew over L'ton and where I wanted a screen shot, paused the simulation (maybe I shouldn't have done this ), pressed V, then kept going; same approaching L'ton airport on return. Where do the screen shots go? How do I get them back? Can I then just treat them as images to eg post or email ?


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Thank you Tim, obvious I guess.

I didn't follow your instructions as I should have (I'm not very good at following imstructions ); I should have at least JPEGd them. However, I hope they will serve the present purpose. (I'll know better next time ).

The L'ton scenery is different from the ones I've seen before- maybe it is AUS BLUE. But the L'ton A/p is still default FSX.

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First of my images is approaching L'ton from N, Power Station tailrace in foreground, The Gorge off to R in backgroun; 2nd is above the power stn on N Esk River, above the Gorge, from about N, showing the dam to the left . Could be FTX_AU Blue demo ?  3rd is approaching L'ton a/p from N, practically the same view as yours.; almost certanly default FSX.

If they are different sources, I couldn't detect the transition.

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Thanks for your help Wolter and Tim; I've learned a lot already, but the bottom line is that I have'nt made much progress in solving my problem.

From FTX Central, the FTX products installed are (in order):



  FTX AU TRAFFIC V2.00 August 2009


  FTX AU YMLT VERSION 2.5 (SP3) October 2009




I also have OZx-AUS v3.0 and v3.1 and ANTS Aussie Airports; I know the latter works, but I'm not sure about OZx AUS.

None of the above appear explicitly in FSX Available Scenery, but it has an Area "Addons" (sic) which I've not been able to get into to see what's there.

I seem to have filled the allocated space, so I'll have to start another "Reply" if that is allowable.


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Continuing right along:

FSX "Free Flight" doesn't seem to know anything about the FTX version of Launceston Airport  (or Lilydale); every time I use Launceston as the departure point, it comes up with what I presume is the default FSX version.

I've seen 3 different versions of Launceston scenery; the default FSX version and recently a version which has no water in the upper reaches of the Tamar river, or in the part of the South Esk river above where the power station is and the most recent version (yesterday) which has a dam on the South Esk and lots of water behind it. I have posted again the screen shots of Launceston and the Launceston airport which I posted yesterday and another of a flight to Cradle Mountain which I did this morning . If some kind person could tell me whether they are from (a) the FTX AU BLUE Tasmania Demo or perhaps from OZx AUS v 3.0+v3.1, I would appreciate it.

For when (see how confident I am  !)  I get the Tasmania Demo running, how do I bring up the demos within the Demo ?

Wolter, could you please tell me how I can get the lat, long on the screen and thereby onto the screen shots.

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Launceston from east, looking up The Gorge

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Launceston airport from north

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Dove Lake and Cradle mountain, from north

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  • 1 month later...

Been a bit Bizzy lately, so not much flying, although just earlier tonight, a new version of Tasmanian scenery appeared, which has snow on MT Wellington (near Hobart) and Cradle Mtn, where there was no snow in the earlier versions I was using; perhaps this is the OZ Blue Tasmanian Demo (it is certainly very nice ). This time I took off from Hobart; previously I had always taken off from Launceston. Have to investigate further.

However, for now my main purpose is to ask how to change the simulation rate in FSX. I HAVE noted Walter's earlier comments about "if all else fails, read the manual", or words to that effect, but even though it is mentioned under "Simulation Rate" in the index, I can't find how to do it.

Help please.

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