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Oxford EGTK -- no OX NDB

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I recently picked up the nice rendition of Oxford Kidlington Airport and am enjoying it a lot, but I have noticed that I cannot tune the Oxford NDB.


So far, all of the aircraft I have for 2020 that have ADF/NDB capability don't have a tuner that supports decimal frequencies. My understanding, though -- have not tried this in the real world -- is that generally you will pick up the station just fine if you're off by that .5. I have tried 367 and 368 in the sim and can't pick it up.


Has anyone else noticed this? I'm not sure if this is an MSFS 2020 thing (missing navaid?) or something to do with the scenery, or maybe the station isn't in service anymore but is still on the charts for some reason?



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5 hours ago, MediumRareBaku said:

but I have noticed that I cannot tune the Oxford NDB


Hi there,


During testing I was using the Daher where there is no problem tuning 367.5

Here's the display with the NDB on NAV 2.



Which plane are you using?


Strictly speaking support should be through Pilot Plus but, if there is an issue like this in certain planes, I'd be interested to know to help with future testing!


All the best,





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On 3/24/2021 at 3:46 AM, John Burgess said:

Strictly speaking support should be through Pilot Plus but, if there is an issue like this in certain planes, I'd be interested to know to help with future testing!


I ran into the issue with the JF Arrow III and the default Cessna 152.


The issue seems to be that not all aircraft are correctly setup to deal with NDB frequencies with a decimal. Some research I've done seems to indicate that real world aircraft can pick up a decimal frequency NDB at the next whole number down, but in-sim a lot of aircraft seem to be setup to only accept the exact frequency.

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Thanks for the information. Had a quick look in the C152 and see what you mean.

In testing I flew the NDB approach using the plate and the frequency in the scenery is correct.

So ultimately this seems to be an issue with the aircraft rather than the scenery but appreciate being made aware of it.


All the best,



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