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AI traffic


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I need your helpl. I have no more AI traffic. Cars, trucks, boats, ferries etc appear but no aircraft. It's probably happened after installing a new aircraft or scenery but i haven't noticed it right away so i can't say which installation has caused it. Any idea?


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One point to note with this application is that it doesn't actually 'convert' the traffic files, but instead gives you a new FSX version. You then need to go back and manually delete the FS9 versions. AI Flight Planner gives the new files an 'FSX' tag so you can distinguish them from the originals.

You need to repeat running the ‘Find FS9 Traffic files’ process until there are none left on your FSX installation.

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I have a question concerning the process of converting the files from FS9 to FSX.

I use WoAI. If i convert them to FSX will i see the default FSX and the WoAI traffic simultaneously? And will the conversion change anything in performance? Are FS9 traffic files "better" in performance, i.e. less demanding or does it change nothing at all?


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Two points raised here.

Firstly AITM only detects traffic files that are in the Scenery World Scenery folder. There may be traffic files in other scenery folders, and these will stop ai traffic if they are FS9 format.

As far as comparing FS9 amd FSX files its like comparing chalk and cheese. There is no direct comparison, but, as has been said before, if you want to use up to date FSX products you simply cannot continue to have FS9 traffic files on your sytem. The WoAI files, when converted, will work just as well with other traffic files, but you have to remember that you will still be using legacy models.


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Two points raised here.

Firstly AITM only detects traffic files that are in the Scenery World Scenery folder. There may be traffic files in other scenery folders, and these will stop ai traffic if they are FS9 format.

As far as comparing FS9 amd FSX files its like comparing chalk and cheese. There is no direct comparison, but, as has been said before, if you want to use up to date FSX products you simply cannot continue to have FS9 traffic files on your sytem. The WoAI files, when converted, will work just as well with other traffic files, but you have to remember that you will still be using legacy models.


Well, i do not really care about the models at all. My only two concerns are: will the conversion from FS9 AI to FSX AI drop performance? and will i see the default FSX AI AND the converted WoAI at the same time or will the default AI be suppressed as it is done when using the FS9 models?


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It doesn't really matter if the traffic files are FS9 ones or FSX ones. The effect on frames will be the same. The AI aircraft remain the same, it is just the AI Traffic file which contains all the AI data that needs to be recompiled.

As for the two different formats, Once you have removed all the FS9 Traffic files from your FSX system, all the FSX ones will work whether they are FTX ones, WOAI ones or FSX default ones. They will all work together just fine.

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Well, i can't find anymore FS9 traffic files but still have same problem. Strange, at Darrington for example i have other aircrafts flying around the airport, departing and landing but if i go to Vancouver Intl, nothing i'm the only one at the terminal with sometimes an aircraft or two...

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Most of the FTX airports have their own AI traffic file which will generate anything from 6 to 12 small GA aircraft just for those particular airports. That is probably why you are seeing a reasonable amount of traffic at Darrington. We have not added any AI traffic at other airports so you will need to install a third party package to provide AI at airports like Vancouver. The aircraft you’re currently seeing there are probably from your WOAI package or perhaps the FSX default traffic file.

We are working on a larger AI traffic pack covering commercial aviation for PNW similar to the one we have for Australia, but that as some way off at the moment.

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It doesn't really matter if the traffic files are FS9 ones or FSX ones. The effect on frames will be the same. The AI aircraft remain the same, it is just the AI Traffic file which contains all the AI data that needs to be recompiled.

As for the two different formats, Once you have removed all the FS9 Traffic files from your FSX system, all the FSX ones will work whether they are FTX ones, WOAI ones or FSX default ones. They will all work together just fine.

Thanks for clearing that up for me!

One last question: hypotethically, if i change the format from FS9 to FSX and i fly to, say a big aiport like EGLL. Despite the of the converted WoAI traffic, will i also see the default FSX traffic? i just fear that i will have "double traffic", the one from WoAI AND the default FSX traffic  :-[


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Yes you will, unless you make the default traffic file inactive.


erm, and how do i do that? i mean that would look awkward and kill performance for me if i see WoAI AND default traffic at the same time whilst haveing AI set at 51% :S

How can i deactived the default FSX AI?


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Just go to your Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery folder, locate the file TrafficAircraft.bgl and rename it to TrafficAircraft.OFF. If you wish to restore it at a later date, just reverse the change.

Thank you very much!


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Just go to your Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery folder, locate the file TrafficAircraft.bgl and rename it to TrafficAircraft.OFF. If you wish to restore it at a later date, just reverse the change.

Thank you very much!


Maybe i've found something here, i can't find this file on my computer. Is this why i have no more AI traffic, if yes would there be somebody kind to send it to me. Thanks

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Just go to your Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\World\Scenery folder, locate the file TrafficAircraft.bgl and rename it to TrafficAircraft.OFF. If you wish to restore it at a later date, just reverse the change.

Thank you very much!


Maybe i've found something here, i can't find this file on my computer. Is this why i have no more AI traffic, if yes would there be somebody kind to send it to me. Thanks

Simply repair your FSX install.

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Simply repair your FSX install you said. I've inserted disc 1 and choose repair and then i'm unable to open FSX. I had no traffic before but i could fly at least. Now nothing is working.... >:(

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Hi Real,

Do you have fsx with Acceleration or with SP1+SP2 ?

in case that you have Acceleration the repair option will work as indicated, using the Acceleration Disc, with SP1+SP2 it's another ballgame and inserting the original fsX disc won't bring you joy as you unfortunatly already discovered

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