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Missing Musee d'Orsay

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Is the Musee d'Orsay meant to be in the Paris scenery pack for MSFS?


I am enjoying this Paris scenery very much though was disappointed to see the Musee d'Orsay  was not included (see screenshot). I have since read in other threads in this forum that the Musee d'Orsay has been appearing in other sceneries, such as due to sharing the same filename as for files in a scenery by Aerosoft,     which makes me wonder if the Musee d'Orsay should be there but is not showing for me due to a problem at my end.


If it is meant to be there, any ideas how I can fix the problem that keeps it from being visible? (Everything else seems OK in Paris so far as I can tell. (I have a similar issue with the Hotel de Ville not being modelled, but in its place is an autogen apartment building rather than a photo, so I believe this is likely not meant to be included in the Paris scenery.)


Thanks for  this otherwise very immersive scenery.


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Hi Cliff,


It certainly should be there.


You could test for a conflicting scenery by renaming your Community folder (I call it Communityz), creating a new Community folder, and move the 'Orbx-landmarks-paris-city-pack' into this folder so it's the only active add-on scenery.


Your right about the conflict. As I understand it every object is identified by a GUID which is supposed to be unique. In this case ourselves and Aerosoft used the same identifier for different objects which caused the issue.


All the best,



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9 hours ago, cliffxxx said:

I know it should be there


Hi there,


Seeing your message got me to revisit Paris only to discover that my Orsay has now disappeared as well :-[


It was definitely there when we released it - as you say it gained some notoriety for appearing in various random parts of the world.

I'm wondering if somewhere along the line Asobo have updated something.


Anyway I'll check up on this.


All the best,



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An update.


It would appear that this problem is due to the shared GUID. I've no timescale but am told an update to fix this is being worked on.

Looking closely I noticed this sign where the Orsay should be.

It would seem that you and I are suffering from the opposite of the Orsay appearing where it shouldn't!



Would still be worth just seeing if it appears when you only have the Paris package in your community folder. Didn't work for me but it might work for you.

If it doesn't we'll need to wait for the update.


All the best,



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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for your efforts John!


I think my conflict may be similar to yours, in that my Orsay has gone missing and I've not yet found it elsewhere. I have not yet found the conflict (it is not the ones mentioned in other threads, and my progress has been slow for lack of time). I have been taking things out of the community folder, as you suggested, to identify it and did get Orsay back at some point. But it is irregular in that recently I removed everything else from the community folder except Orbx Paris and Orsay remained gone. I am thinking because of this that the (or "a") culprit might be in the OneStore folder (as I have purchased a few things there), or perhaps I did not delete the rolling cache on that test and that might have been why I got mixed signals. Will continue to explore, but am looking forward to the patch!


Do you happen to know what other scenery generated your little "11" sign, in case that is what I also find when I next get back to take a look?

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21 minutes ago, cliffxxx said:

Do you happen to know what other scenery generated your little "11" sign, in case that is what I also find when I next get back to take a look?


Hi there,


From what I remember it seemed to be something in the default scenery. Even with Paris Landmarks as the only scenery in the Community folder I wasn't seeing the Orsay and, as far as I know, I only have default scenery in the OneStore folder.


All the best,





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That explains a lot! I have the same little "11" sign as you do, as it happens, and I have removed everything I have added besides the Asobo stuff, still with no Orsay. No wonder it has been hard to find :)


I will content myself with the rest of the city until the patch comes out. Thanks again!

1 hour ago, John Burgess said:


Hi there,


From what I remember it seemed to be something in the default scenery. Even with Paris Landmarks as the only scenery in the Community folder I wasn't seeing the Orsay and, as far as I know, I only have default scenery in the OneStore folder.


All the best,






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