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BN-2 Islander GPS


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Hi Guys,

I had an email from Pat (Aussieman) today about the GPS from the Islander.

Apparently, Flight One don't have permission to distribute the manual for the KLN 90A GPS they have put in the Islander and they suggest that the purchaser go to the Bendix King site and download the two GPS Manuals from there.

After I got Pat's email, I trondled over to the site for a look see.

It's all a bit confusing and after a while I found the two manuals and proceeded to download them.

Only problem was, the page seemed to hang for a good while. I close it and tried several times before closing it and trying my other PC, which is direct connected to the net (ADSL2).

I had the same problem, but decided to give it a little while.

Finally, the first loaded and I was able to download the PDF file. I did the same to the second and waited for a good while before it too, appeared.

After they downloaded I realised why the delay. The first was 2.5Mb and the second manual is over 46Mb.

So, basically, I wanted people who have bought this bird and want to download the GPS manuals to know what to expect and the reasons why their downloads take a while and the page appears to hang.

Also, take note about how to install the Terminus Medium Font in the FSX/BN-2 Islander folder if your GPS unit doesn't display.


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Got to admit that this "feature" angered me a bit .  I felt like I had to sneak in somewhere else and pilfer a thing or two to complete the download.  Its not a good look . 

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G'day Frank,

Thanks to your post here I now have the necessary .pdf files. I guess I wasn't looking hard enough when looking for them. Now to spend some time reading them.

I even dared to wonder it it was hard coded into the model. If it wasn't then I might change it to the RealityXP GPS.

Anyway thanks for the hints mate.



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