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Adding exclusions to file verification


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Greetings :)


I just ran into an issue with some 3rd party sceneries I was installing  and the ORBC Central file verification function. 


Scenery 1 is an airport which replaces the default airport and has a different ICAO code (in my case SPJC). To make it work correctly, it is necessary to deactivate the default airport (SPIM) completely in Vector  (all files named SPIM).


Scenery 2 is an airport which causes the dreaded dark texture patches some users experience time and again (KMSY for me). This requires to run a file verification and sim sync. 


You guess what happened: This step of course cancelled the previous manual edit and messed up scenery 1 again.


I want to suggest to add an "exclude" feature to OC which allows the user to define files which are not touched during a verification or syncing. As in a virus scanner. There are (and certainly always will be) quite a few sceneries out there which require a manual edit of Orbx scenery files, and I think this would be a valuable addition.





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