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Orbx Central sceneries all now appear uninstalled after a corrupted scenery cfg file


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Hi All,


I'm an old time Orbx user. Been using the Orbx Central app ever since it was made but just got a strange situation here.


I've just updated to P3Dv5.1 from v4.5 and uninstalled all my v4.5 stuff, stripped it alllllll back and now I'm methodically going through installing all my stuff again for v5.1


From the 'My Products' tab in Orbx Central I've been installing all my scenery again, making sure to install directly into the main simulator filing system (not outside P3Dv5.1) and at one point I looked up and saw there was some sort of corruption that happened. I did the normal thing of forcing P3D to create a new scenery.cfg file to see if that would solve the corruption. It did. But now when I look back in 'My Products' it looks like all that day and a half of installing time spent is now gone, as it appears that I've installed NOTHING through Orbx Central. Despite seeing my day and a half's worth of installing work present in E/Lockheed Martin/Prepar3Dv5/Orbx


Is there an easy fix for this? I've tried 'Sync Simulator' button in Help under settings, and that comes back as fine and dandy, but that doesn't bring back all those nice green ticks next to my installed sceneries in ''My Products'


Any help on this? Do I need to delete everything in E/Lockheed Martin/Prepar3Dv5/Orbx and have Orbx Central just build out that library again???




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4 hours ago, Mantock said:

Never mind, I'm just deleting all Orbx folders, new scenery cfg file and redownloading afresh

I had an addons.cfg corrupted in the past days/weeks resulting in multiple crashes and other issues , i ended up deleteing the generated files and re installing all my stuff.

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Hi Nick,


Thanks for your help!


I'm currently migrating my entire Orbx library to a location outside of the P3Dv5.1 folder to see if that makes a difference.


I've just finished moving everything outside of the main P3D installation, I ran P3D and it asked me to enable all the various scenery packages, but when loading in, London City still looks like the above photo and I still have the phantom double ground issue at Aerosoft EGLL for v5






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The v5 version as far as I'm aware. (I'm currently verifying files as you can see)



Finished verifying:

Installed into an Orbx Library

Vector v1.0.0 is installed into E Drive Library

E:\Orbx Library\p3dv5\Global Vector





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Ok, so after reinstalling everything, and I mean.... everything.


I have all my Orbx stuff back up and in the sim, I've done tests and I no longer have elevation issues. But now, I have an issue where the scenery layering is not making sense. I have all my Orbx stuff set to be BELOW my flytampa-libraries entry. But I've got Orbx Global Base Scenery right up at the top, and the two EU entries in the middle of the rest of my third party stuff. any understanding why???


The only reason I am posting here and not in a new topic is because I'd like ppl to understand the history of my mission to make P3Dv5.1 actually usuable. At the moment I'm getting loading screens hanging at 5% loading terrain data.





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Ok i'll try this thanks. I have tried to load P3D and let it sit all day while I'm out at work and I came home yesterday and it was still at 5%.


Also, When I load up at an area that doesn't have FTX regions n'stuff then it's no problem at all. Maybe its just because I installled ALLLLL my Orbx scenery in one go, and then tried to load up P3D, it was just too much for it to handle all at once?



I've done what you suggested, it seems that for the first 30 seconds there is considerable loading in the resource monitor, specifically the relevant FTX EU scenery files when spawning in at EGLL. And then after that all the P3D related tasks in the resource monitor die down and there's not much else going on, despite that, P3D is still stuck at 5% 'Loading terrain data...'



Thanks for your help,


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indeed that could be it but I would expect it to load eventually.

Can you try just loading the scenery that you need for the flight?

You can just untick the rest, either in the scenery library or the

add-ons list, depending on how you installed them.

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In my scenery manager all the Orbx entries are grayed out so I'm not able to untick them. Like I say, loading up in areas of the world that are not FTX related seems to be fine, but loading up in any of my FTX/Orbx places gives me this issue,



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Looks like Orbx Vector is the culprit. I deactivated it, loaded up at EGLL (it all looked terrible and there was no ground but at least I loaded in) And then I tried activating it again and it's hanging after I pressed the Ok button. Confusing though because if it was Orbx Vector, thats global so why didn't I have any problems outside the UK?

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disabling Vector should not make things look terrible, P3D v5 has a revised vector database of its own.

My experience is that P3D seeks to catalogue Vector each time it finds it but once done, it should not

need to do it again unless it is removed and replaced once more. 

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So If I have a scenery library of about 300GB of Orbx sceneries. How long am I going to be stuck at 5% for? For instance, this morning I fired up P3D and set to load into the PMDG 737 at EGLL. That was at 8:45am, its now 3:07pm and I'm still stick at 'Loading terrain data.... 5%'





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Yes I look at the resource monitor, and for the first 10mins maybe there seems to be a lot of activity loading various FTX UK and/or EU things but after a while they die down and the only P3D related things in the resource monitor is the P3D application itself, the CPU sits at about 80% usage constantly but with no further loading past 5%, I have checked every time I try to load in case there are any secondary pop ups to 'enable scenery' for instance, but nothing like that is holding the loading back apparently.

I've tried deleting the scenery.cfg file so that P3D builds a new one, and it does, but it still doesn't get past 5%. It's like there is an invisible wall. 

Im wondering if there are any other files I can change the name of so that P3D 'rebuilds' them? Willing to try anything at this point. I really, really don't want to do a full install for a third time in a row! I've already eaten through about 600-700GB of download bandwidth to get this far.



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Just in case you have the same situation I recently had. For no apparent reason my scenery file corrupted. When I relaunched P3DV5.1, a number of the add-on sceneries were missing and so I had to reinstall them. (Not too difficult as I simply needed to add them via the scenery library itself.) I cannot remember which airport, but when I tried to launch it in the sim, the sim froze at 74% and did not move beyond. Eventually when I looked at  the scenery library in the simulator, towards the bottom I found some of the base sceneries had become unchecked! Once checked, the airport loaded and P3D worked fine. So, if you have not done so, check the scenery library from top to bottom to ensure all base sceneries are checked.


Good luck.



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Hello Peter,

there are no addon entries in that scenery.cfg file.

You would need to attach a copy of

C:\programdata\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5\scenery.cfg, unless of course all your products are installed as add-ons,

in which case a copy of the add-ons.cfg file from the same place would help.

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