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Not what I was expecting: scenery is "blah"; appears snow covered

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I'm running Windows 10 pro, P3Dv5, LINDA, FSUIPC6.0.11 (registered), ActiveSky P3D For Prepar3D v5 and Prepar3D v4, and A2A Accusim B-17. I've downloaded, and installed, Orbx Central, Global Base Pack, and Global Airport Pack.


No matter where, so far, I start a flight, the scenery is the same: it appears covered in a light blanket of snow, and taxiing on runways kicks up flurries (see below). Granted, the season is winter--as I'm running real-time weather--but I don't think I should be seeing snow everywhere, no matter the outside temperature or actual weather. The bland whiteness goes away if I select summer, but the scenery still remains less than dull.




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Hi Masterius


Welcome to the forum


That sim is designed to show seasons in very specific time, so as you said it is winter and the sim knows it :lol:


Some products are designed to match the seasons too, I mean you have to tick in the product to be covered with snow, or frozen water etc

So if you don't do this they might not match

Same if an specific airport is in winter mode and you change the season to summer they won't match.


So you have to check that well


True Earth products for example are only summer


The runways kicking flurries is part of winter effect, you can't do nothing against it. The ugliest one is when you take off and a tail of snow follows you


I was told that in many parts of the northern hemisphere the snow is not so notorious at some stages but the sim doesn't respect that, for it it's winter so it covers it all of white no matter where (in the north)







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