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Just a download/storage question.

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I have my XP on an external SSD1TB en my Orbx sceneries on another SSD2TB. I noticed that Orbx also places zip-files on my Mac's internal drive (see pic). My question is why and can I remove these without damaging or frustating XP.



2021-01-06  20.22.55.png

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Do you have the option of Backup copy enabled in Orbx Central? If so then those files maybe the Backup copies. If they are then you can delete them. If not backup copies then I need more info as to where they are located and do you have installed copies of the addons in your Custom Scenery folder.

The pic attached is relevant to Windows so I need you to determine the Mac equivalent as I am not Mac savvy.



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Jon thanks for the quick respons. As you wrote the backup function was enabled in my settings and the files on the internal disk were the latest scneries I downloaded from Orbx. Earlier download directories were empty due to the maximum of 9.3 GB I think.

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