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Can I move some Scenery out of one Orbx Library to Another?


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I realized I have a mix of P3Dv4 & P3Dv5 scenery loaded in the same folder in C:\Documents\Orbx Libraries\ and inside this folder there is a folder for p3dv4 and one for p3dv5.

Once I realized this drive was starting to get a little low on space I started using my X:\Orbx v5 Library\ drive with a folder named p3dv5 going forward.

To keep all the v5 scenery files together I wonder if I can move the folders located in p3dv4 folder over to this X drive without causing sim problems.


I did ready read page 21 in the manual about moving stuff but it seems to be all about the Libraries whole folder.  I just need to move some files within the C drive folder to the other X drive.

It would be good if I could get a call on this from Orbx.

Thanks a bunch.


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Hi Nick and Hi Hondajet,

I found interesting the question and obviously the Answer Nick posted.

I think i have a problem similar to this:

Prepar3D located on a SSD Samsung EVO, 250GB

Yesterday i install all my Orbx product in a an external library, located in a standard HD (G_;Orbx Library ...\... etc etc)

The amount of data in that library is over 100 GB and Prepar3D needs too much time to load everithing.

I saw the Orbx folder in P3D and i found the link to all my Orbx airport but i didn't found the links to all the other folder in the library.

I can easily change the location and the links editing the XML files for the airports.

NICK, You write that i can change all the files mainteining the same file structure,( is over 100 GB but i can do this). At the end of the process, what i have to do?

Is an automathic process starting P3D to find the new library or i have to do something else in Orbx Central?

Thank You.

Andrea, I-SNAK

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