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Dundee not appearing in FS2020

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Hi - I have all the UK Scenery so far released for FS2020 and haven't had this problem before: Dundee isn't appearing! I've verified files, no luck.. reinstalled.. nothing. I'm using the latest patch of FS2020.


I've copied yday's log: 


2020-11-16T16:55:18.875Z [INFO] [Main] - Orbx Central - 4.1.23
2020-11-16T16:55:18.876Z [INFO] [Main] - Windows_NT 10.0.19042
2020-11-16T16:55:18.876Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env APPDATA: C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming
2020-11-16T16:55:18.877Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env PROGRAMDATA: C:\ProgramData
2020-11-16T16:55:18.877Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env LOCALAPPDATA: C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Local
2020-11-16T16:55:18.940Z [INFO] [Main] - Booting splashscreen.
2020-11-16T16:55:19.344Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Loaded
2020-11-16T16:55:19.345Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Refreshing authentication.
2020-11-16T16:55:20.608Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Authentication refreshed.
2020-11-16T16:55:20.609Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Checking for updates...
2020-11-16T16:55:20.610Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Racing update check with timeout...
2020-11-16T16:55:20.610Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2020-11-16T16:55:22.744Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.1.23 is not available (latest version: 4.1.23, downgrade is disallowed).
2020-11-16T16:55:22.744Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] No updates available.
2020-11-16T16:55:22.745Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Boot requested.
2020-11-16T16:55:22.745Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Ready to launch application.
2020-11-16T16:55:22.746Z [INFO] [Main] - Application ready to start.
2020-11-16T16:55:22.746Z [INFO] [Main] - Creating main application window.
2020-11-16T16:55:23.731Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onStartupEvent fired.
2020-11-16T16:55:23.737Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T16:55:23.794Z [INFO] [Central::CartService] - PayPal library inserted.
2020-11-16T16:55:23.796Z [INFO] [Central::AppComponent] - Version 4.1.23
2020-11-16T16:55:24.569Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T16:55:24.579Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onLogin fired.
[Simfinder] Getting FSX coexistence state...
[Simfinder] Co-Existence registry key exists. Value is 0x0
[Simfinder] Setting coexistence value to false
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\IPACS\Aerofly FS 2
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\IPACS\Aerofly FS 2 Flight Simulator\Settings
2020-11-16T16:55:24.832Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Using Saturn binary from C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\saturn-win\OrbxCentralWorker.exe
2020-11-16T16:55:25.112Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2020-11-16T16:55:25.243Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2020-11-16T16:55:25.266Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active. Version 4.1.15
[Simfinder] Coundn't find regval \SOFTWARE\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D
[Simfinder] Couldn't find simulator root path at null
[Simfinder] Couldn't find simulator root path at null
2020-11-16T16:55:25.422Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Attempting to listen on
2020-11-16T16:55:25.428Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Listening started
2020-11-16T16:55:25.432Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Waiting for a connection
[Simfinder] Couldn't find simulator root path at null
[Simfinder] Found simulators: [fsx, fsxse, p3dv5, msfs]
[Simfinder] No coexistence. Filtering FSX
[Simfinder] Returning simulators to caller: [fsxse, p3dv5, msfs]
2020-11-16T16:55:25.683Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Loading previous simulator from settings.
2020-11-16T16:55:25.699Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Selected Microsoft Flight Simulator at path F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:25.699Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onSimSelected fired.
2020-11-16T16:55:25.701Z [INFO] [Central::LibraryService] - Found 1 libraries.
2020-11-16T16:55:25.784Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Socket connected.
2020-11-16T16:55:25.784Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Connected to Saturn.
2020-11-16T16:55:25.784Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Connected to client
2020-11-16T16:55:32.081Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Scanning for installed products.
2020-11-16T16:55:32.081Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Microsoft Flight Simulator products with OrbxLegacyScanner...
2020-11-16T16:55:32.213Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Microsoft Flight Simulator products with LibraryScanner...
2020-11-16T16:55:32.216Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Microsoft Flight Simulator products with SodeScanner...
2020-11-16T16:55:32.217Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Scanning for Microsoft Flight Simulator products with CustomScanner...
2020-11-16T16:55:32.220Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Found 11 potential products installed.
2020-11-16T16:55:32.220Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EGLC London City Airport (Orbx EGLC London City Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0.2 - August 2020) - Simulator - F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:32.220Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EGNM Leeds Bradford Airport (Orbx EGNM Leeds Bradford Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0.2 - August 2020) - Simulator - F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:32.220Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Landmarks London City Pack (Orbx Landmarks London City Pack - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0.1 - August 2020) - Simulator - F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:32.220Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EGTB Wycombe Air Park (Pilot Plus EGTB Wycombe Air Park - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.1.1 - October 2020) - Simulator - F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:32.221Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EDDT Berlin-Tegel Airport (Gaya Simulations EDDT Berlin-Tegel Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.1.0 - September 2020) - Simulator - F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:32.221Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - OG20 Fairways Airport (Orbx OG20 Fairways Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0.1 - August 2020) - Simulator - F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:32.221Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KSBA Santa Barbara Municipal Airport (Orbx KSBA Santa Barbara Municipal Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0.0 - August 2020) - Simulator - F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:32.221Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KBUR Hollywood Burbank Airport (Orbx KBUR Hollywood Burbank Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0.0 - August 2020) - Simulator - F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:32.221Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KBCE Bryce Canyon Airport (Orbx KBCE Bryce Canyon Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0.0 - September 2020) - Simulator - F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:32.221Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Cityscape Sydney (Orbx Cityscape Sydney - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0.0 - October 2020) - Simulator - F:\FS2020
2020-11-16T16:55:32.221Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - EGPN Dundee Airport (Orbx EGPN Dundee Airport - Microsoft Flight Simulator 1.0.0 - November 2020) - Library (My Library) - F:\Orbx Library
2020-11-16T16:55:32.224Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installed product analytics.
2020-11-16T16:55:32.631Z [INFO] [Central::CartComponent] - Payment preflight completed.
2020-11-16T16:55:42.090Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Beginning installation of EGPN Dundee Airport
{"fullScan":true,"fullDownloadPath":null,"passive":false,"globalBaseInstalled":false,"destination":{"destination":{"name":"My Library","path":"F:\\Orbx Library","directorySizeInBytes":0,"enabled":true},"path":"F:\\Orbx Library\\msfs\\EGPN Dundee Airport","type":1}}
2020-11-16T16:55:42.091Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Installing to F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport
2020-11-16T16:55:43.069Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Checking if the simulator is running...
2020-11-16T16:55:43.069Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Setting simulator process check cache value.
2020-11-16T16:55:43.759Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Check found that sim is not running.
2020-11-16T16:55:43.759Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Actions are allowed.
2020-11-16T16:55:43.759Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Library is ok.
2020-11-16T16:55:43.760Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Simulator is ok.
2020-11-16T16:55:43.760Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: No antirequisites found.
2020-11-16T16:55:43.760Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Dundee Airport has 0 prerequisite(s).
2020-11-16T16:55:44.222Z [DEBUG] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Requesting download and install for product egpn-msfs from Saturn.
2020-11-16T16:55:44.526Z [INFO] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Sending dispatch into saturn.
2020-11-16T16:55:44.638Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Adding job from manifest path: C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\egpn-msfs.m.c4
2020-11-16T16:55:44.639Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Queue added job
2020-11-16T16:55:44.701Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer TotalTime
2020-11-16T16:55:44.703Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Skipping stage Saturn.Jobs.Install.Stages.MigrateStage
2020-11-16T16:55:44.716Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer TargetScan
2020-11-16T16:55:45.523Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: .00%  Scanned 23 of 642 files
2020-11-16T16:55:51.769Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 1.00%  Scanned 122 of 642 files
2020-11-16T16:55:55.670Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 2.00%  Scanned 298 of 642 files
2020-11-16T16:55:57.838Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Skipping stage Saturn.Jobs.Install.Stages.FullBuildExtractStage
2020-11-16T16:55:57.873Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Required file scan time: 00:00:00.0023377
2020-11-16T16:55:57.873Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Required files: 0
2020-11-16T16:55:57.873Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Required chunks: 0
2020-11-16T16:55:57.873Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer TargetScan
2020-11-16T16:55:57.885Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Free space available on Temporary Location: 793354305536. Free space required: 0
2020-11-16T16:55:57.885Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Temporary Location healthy: F:\New folder\octemp
2020-11-16T16:55:57.885Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Free space available on Target Path: 793354305536. Free space required: 0
2020-11-16T16:55:57.885Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Target Path healthy: F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport
2020-11-16T16:55:57.885Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Run actions for Disk Check Stage
2020-11-16T16:55:57.889Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T16:55:57.889Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Run actions for stage: Before
2020-11-16T16:55:57.905Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T16:55:57.944Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 10.00%
2020-11-16T16:55:58.010Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extracter starting
2020-11-16T16:55:58.012Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract Complete
2020-11-16T16:55:58.016Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Downloader starting
2020-11-16T16:55:58.016Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer DownloadTime
2020-11-16T16:55:58.016Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Downloader picked up pending chunks 0
2020-11-16T16:55:58.016Z [INFO] [Saturn] - DownloadStage complete
2020-11-16T16:55:58.016Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer DownloadTime
2020-11-16T16:55:58.022Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Nothing to convert.
2020-11-16T16:55:58.022Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Running MainStage with hdd concurrency. Throttler limit is 3.
2020-11-16T16:55:58.022Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T16:55:58.023Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Run actions for stage: After
2020-11-16T16:55:58.026Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T16:55:58.028Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Beginning configuration.
2020-11-16T16:55:58.041Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink to F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T16:55:58.041Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink F:\FS2020\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee - F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T16:55:58.059Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Configuration completed.
2020-11-16T16:55:58.064Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T16:55:58.084Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T16:55:58.085Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T16:55:58.088Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T16:55:58.089Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer TotalTime
2020-11-16T16:55:58.089Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Timer TotalTime elapsed 00:00:13.3872376
2020-11-16T16:55:58.089Z [INFO] [Saturn] - 00:00:13.3872376
2020-11-16T16:55:58.090Z [INFO] [Saturn] - TargetScan: 00:00:13.1574077
2020-11-16T16:55:58.090Z [INFO] [Saturn] - DownloadTime: 00:00:00.0005934
2020-11-16T16:55:58.090Z [INFO] [Saturn] - ActionsTime: 00:00:00.0186180
2020-11-16T16:55:58.090Z [INFO] [Saturn] - CleanupTime: 00:00:00.0229888
2020-11-16T16:55:58.090Z [INFO] [Saturn] - TotalTime: 00:00:13.3872376
2020-11-16T16:55:58.113Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Post-install process for egpn-msfs beginning.
2020-11-16T16:55:58.113Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Installing set to false during post-install: egpn-msfs
2020-11-16T16:55:58.117Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Version text written to path: F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\version_egpn-msfs.txt
2020-11-16T16:55:58.117Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installation report analytics.
2020-11-16T16:55:58.121Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 100.00%
2020-11-16T16:55:58.121Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Job released 169209863
2020-11-16T16:55:58.122Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Complete
2020-11-16T16:55:58.123Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installed product analytics.
2020-11-16T16:55:58.123Z [INFO] [Central::SurveyService] - No trigger slug for egpn-msfs. Skipping survey.
2020-11-16T16:55:58.124Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Post-install process for egpn-msfs complete.
2020-11-16T16:55:58.539Z [DEBUG] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Installation analytics sent successfully for egpn-msfs
2020-11-16T16:57:50.079Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Sending sync request
2020-11-16T16:57:50.094Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Queue added job
2020-11-16T16:57:50.118Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Synchronizing msfs (F:\FS2020)
2020-11-16T16:57:50.119Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink to F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T16:57:50.119Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink F:\FS2020\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee - F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T16:57:50.130Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [SUCCESS] Synchronizing completed successfully.
2020-11-16T16:57:50.136Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Job released 642615320
2020-11-16T16:57:50.188Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Sync completed successfully.
2020-11-16T17:00:24.451Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Checking for outdated products. Found 0.
2020-11-16T17:04:13.898Z [INFO] [Main] - Orbx Central - 4.1.23
2020-11-16T17:04:13.898Z [INFO] [Main] - Windows_NT 10.0.19042
2020-11-16T17:04:13.899Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env APPDATA: C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming
2020-11-16T17:04:13.899Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env PROGRAMDATA: C:\ProgramData
2020-11-16T17:04:13.899Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env LOCALAPPDATA: C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Local
2020-11-16T17:04:14.033Z [INFO] [Main] - Booting splashscreen.
2020-11-16T17:04:21.873Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Beginning installation of EGPN Dundee Airport
{"fullScan":true,"fullDownloadPath":null,"passive":false,"globalBaseInstalled":false,"destination":{"destination":{"name":"My Library","path":"F:\\Orbx Library","directorySizeInBytes":0,"enabled":true},"path":"F:\\Orbx Library\\msfs\\EGPN Dundee Airport","type":1}}
2020-11-16T17:04:21.874Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Installing to F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport
2020-11-16T17:04:22.731Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Skipping simulator process check. Using cached value.
2020-11-16T17:04:22.731Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Actions are allowed.
2020-11-16T17:04:22.733Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Library is ok.
2020-11-16T17:04:22.733Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Simulator is ok.
2020-11-16T17:04:22.733Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: No antirequisites found.
2020-11-16T17:04:22.734Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Dundee Airport has 0 prerequisite(s).
2020-11-16T17:04:23.231Z [DEBUG] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Requesting download and install for product egpn-msfs from Saturn.
2020-11-16T17:04:23.335Z [INFO] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Sending dispatch into saturn.
2020-11-16T17:04:23.376Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Adding job from manifest path: C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\egpn-msfs.m.c4
2020-11-16T17:04:23.377Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Queue added job
2020-11-16T17:04:23.395Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Skipping stage Saturn.Jobs.Install.Stages.MigrateStage
2020-11-16T17:04:23.395Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer TotalTime
2020-11-16T17:04:23.395Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer TargetScan
2020-11-16T17:04:29.509Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 1.00%  Scanned 183 of 642 files
2020-11-16T17:04:34.116Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 3.00%  Scanned 332 of 642 files
2020-11-16T17:04:36.173Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Skipping stage Saturn.Jobs.Install.Stages.FullBuildExtractStage
2020-11-16T17:04:36.173Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Required file scan time: 00:00:00.0002049
2020-11-16T17:04:36.174Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Required files: 0
2020-11-16T17:04:36.174Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Required chunks: 0
2020-11-16T17:04:36.174Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer TargetScan
2020-11-16T17:04:36.175Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Free space available on Temporary Location: 793354305536. Free space required: 0
2020-11-16T17:04:36.175Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Temporary Location healthy: F:\New folder\octemp
2020-11-16T17:04:36.175Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Free space available on Target Path: 793354305536. Free space required: 0
2020-11-16T17:04:36.176Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Target Path healthy: F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport
2020-11-16T17:04:36.176Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Run actions for Disk Check Stage
2020-11-16T17:04:36.176Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.176Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Run actions for stage: Before
2020-11-16T17:04:36.178Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.178Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extracter starting
2020-11-16T17:04:36.178Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract Complete
2020-11-16T17:04:36.178Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Downloader starting
2020-11-16T17:04:36.178Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer DownloadTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.179Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Downloader picked up pending chunks 0
2020-11-16T17:04:36.179Z [INFO] [Saturn] - DownloadStage complete
2020-11-16T17:04:36.179Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer DownloadTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.179Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Nothing to convert.
2020-11-16T17:04:36.179Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Running MainStage with hdd concurrency. Throttler limit is 3.
2020-11-16T17:04:36.179Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.179Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Run actions for stage: After
2020-11-16T17:04:36.181Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.182Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Beginning configuration.
2020-11-16T17:04:36.182Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink to F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T17:04:36.182Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink F:\FS2020\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee - F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T17:04:36.258Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Configuration completed.
2020-11-16T17:04:36.258Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.266Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.267Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.267Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.267Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer TotalTime
2020-11-16T17:04:36.267Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Timer TotalTime elapsed 00:00:12.8794122
2020-11-16T17:04:36.268Z [INFO] [Saturn] - 00:00:12.8794122
2020-11-16T17:04:36.268Z [INFO] [Saturn] - TargetScan: 00:00:12.7847205
2020-11-16T17:04:36.268Z [INFO] [Saturn] - DownloadTime: 00:00:00.0000185
2020-11-16T17:04:36.268Z [INFO] [Saturn] - ActionsTime: 00:00:00.0057422
2020-11-16T17:04:36.268Z [INFO] [Saturn] - CleanupTime: 00:00:00.0094341
2020-11-16T17:04:36.268Z [INFO] [Saturn] - TotalTime: 00:00:12.8794122
2020-11-16T17:04:36.278Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 100.00%
2020-11-16T17:04:36.288Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Post-install process for egpn-msfs beginning.
2020-11-16T17:04:36.288Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Installing set to false during post-install: egpn-msfs
2020-11-16T17:04:36.292Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Version text written to path: F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\version_egpn-msfs.txt
2020-11-16T17:04:36.293Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installation report analytics.
2020-11-16T17:04:36.297Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Job released 445375864
2020-11-16T17:04:36.297Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Complete
2020-11-16T17:04:36.298Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installed product analytics.
2020-11-16T17:04:36.299Z [INFO] [Central::SurveyService] - No trigger slug for egpn-msfs. Skipping survey.
2020-11-16T17:04:36.299Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Post-install process for egpn-msfs complete.
2020-11-16T17:04:37.253Z [DEBUG] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Installation analytics sent successfully for egpn-msfs
2020-11-16T17:05:23.767Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T17:05:24.675Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T17:06:15.935Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Skipping simulator process check. Using cached value.
2020-11-16T17:06:15.936Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Beginning uninstall process for egpn-msfs.
2020-11-16T17:06:15.936Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching uninstall details...
2020-11-16T17:06:16.414Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Sending job to Saturn...
2020-11-16T17:06:16.428Z [INFO] [Saturn] - F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport
2020-11-16T17:06:16.429Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Queue added job
2020-11-16T17:06:16.512Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Executing Uninstall Job - Library
2020-11-16T17:06:16.653Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Job released 585781345
2020-11-16T17:06:16.722Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Uninstallation Complete.
2020-11-16T17:06:22.425Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Beginning installation of EGPN Dundee Airport
{"fullDownloadPath":null,"fullScan":false,"passive":false,"globalBaseInstalled":false,"destination":{"destination":{"name":"My Library","path":"F:\\Orbx Library","directorySizeInBytes":0,"enabled":true},"path":"F:\\Orbx Library\\msfs\\EGPN Dundee Airport","type":1}}
2020-11-16T17:06:23.803Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Installing to F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport
2020-11-16T17:06:25.718Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Skipping simulator process check. Using cached value.
2020-11-16T17:06:25.718Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Actions are allowed.
2020-11-16T17:06:25.719Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Library is ok.
2020-11-16T17:06:25.719Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: Simulator is ok.
2020-11-16T17:06:25.719Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Validation: No antirequisites found.
2020-11-16T17:06:25.719Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Dundee Airport has 0 prerequisite(s).
2020-11-16T17:06:25.720Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Creating F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport
2020-11-16T17:06:25.997Z [DEBUG] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Requesting download and install for product egpn-msfs from Saturn.
2020-11-16T17:06:26.099Z [INFO] [Central::SaturnDispatcherService] - Sending dispatch into saturn.
2020-11-16T17:06:26.118Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Adding job from manifest path: C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\egpn-msfs.m.c4
2020-11-16T17:06:26.118Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Queue added job
2020-11-16T17:06:26.158Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Skipping stage Saturn.Jobs.Install.Stages.MigrateStage
2020-11-16T17:06:26.158Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer TotalTime
2020-11-16T17:06:26.159Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer TargetScan
2020-11-16T17:06:26.206Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Skipping stage Saturn.Jobs.Install.Stages.FullBuildExtractStage
2020-11-16T17:06:26.215Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Required file scan time: 00:00:00.0080267
2020-11-16T17:06:26.215Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Required files: 642
2020-11-16T17:06:26.215Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Required chunks: 27
2020-11-16T17:06:26.232Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer TargetScan
2020-11-16T17:06:26.247Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Free space available on Temporary Location: 796510912512. Free space required: 0
2020-11-16T17:06:26.247Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Temporary Location healthy: F:\New folder\octemp
2020-11-16T17:06:26.247Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Free space available on Target Path: 796510912512. Free space required: 0
2020-11-16T17:06:26.247Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Target Path healthy: F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport
2020-11-16T17:06:26.247Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Run actions for Disk Check Stage
2020-11-16T17:06:26.247Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T17:06:26.247Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Run actions for stage: Before
2020-11-16T17:06:26.250Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T17:06:26.251Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extracter starting
2020-11-16T17:06:26.252Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer ExtractTime
2020-11-16T17:06:26.252Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extracter picked up pending chunks 27
2020-11-16T17:06:26.256Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\6ecc4666-66d5-46c1-ad82-01e168f6f968.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:26.256Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Downloader starting
2020-11-16T17:06:26.256Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer DownloadTime
2020-11-16T17:06:26.256Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Downloader picked up pending chunks 0
2020-11-16T17:06:26.256Z [INFO] [Saturn] - DownloadStage complete
2020-11-16T17:06:26.256Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer DownloadTime
2020-11-16T17:06:26.256Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Nothing to convert.
2020-11-16T17:06:26.256Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Running MainStage with hdd concurrency. Throttler limit is 3.
2020-11-16T17:06:26.257Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\051c6932-8e04-4380-a17c-0f6cb0bc3868.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:26.257Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\e9c19ea1-9c0a-46c9-af7e-e424dce22c3f.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:26.610Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 10.00%  Extracted: 1 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:27.504Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\81c5257c-a122-45a7-abc8-de04eeedbb2d.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:27.552Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\6310a095-7b2e-4389-aa6c-091865eccbb9.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:27.618Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\b7d4c7a6-afb1-4f0e-98c6-23c94dec3835.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:27.850Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 14.00%  Extracted: 37 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:28.348Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\2c17a147-9da2-4ca7-9bc8-2e7e4cf30035.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:28.499Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\8f969120-0173-426e-bb16-70794d3bc9ae.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:29.074Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 15.00%  Extracted: 47 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:29.318Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\4b63f85c-40b5-4f68-b7aa-bcdae32e3f46.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:29.597Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\a7334b4b-4e63-4d51-a268-4a477790e1ec.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:30.173Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\a6803cc5-16b5-4815-8e28-e61d2ea4d9c8.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:30.333Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 16.00%  Extracted: 57 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:30.894Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\9a3f57fb-8e1c-424a-bf1e-feea83fc9248.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:31.149Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\2f82e0bb-47ce-41ad-95e6-2023159074fd.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:31.594Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 17.00%  Extracted: 69 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:31.622Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\b29ce892-08d6-434a-98d1-13829db903a9.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:31.815Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\4b3f3d5d-27af-4d60-9854-771516041662.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:32.373Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\f50ed03f-37b8-40c2-ae35-2023b898ad2e.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:32.465Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\68cf44ac-60c5-4464-91ef-fe0ea82c5f30.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:32.867Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 20.00%  Extracted: 100 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:33.202Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\89dcc0e1-c49d-4c12-9642-98d956bf2b53.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:34.014Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\120e2367-3b6c-45f8-9b24-f94ab842397f.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:34.087Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 22.00%  Extracted: 111 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:34.973Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\5532aaa5-5acb-40db-9c12-5cea83ae7dc5.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:35.306Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 24.00%  Extracted: 130 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:35.726Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\6391669b-36e1-4d47-a64e-cfc19ec25eb1.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:36.461Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\467121c2-f720-49f3-80d2-6b17edefd4d7.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:36.525Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 27.00%  Extracted: 163 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:36.728Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\a887821a-465d-4967-8db8-90ed2d52291b.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:37.030Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\14983b6f-2859-456b-a189-e28c3b6d6ff8.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:37.743Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 32.00%  Extracted: 216 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:38.147Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\040ee2e2-c2d0-4826-9d02-3cc2e04ae926.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:38.514Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\4db942fc-1eec-4a0a-ba20-9ff46f2d214d.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:38.962Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 37.00%  Extracted: 259 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:40.178Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 37.00%  Extracted: 259 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:41.398Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 37.00%  Extracted: 259 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:42.601Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 37.00%  Extracted: 259 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:42.708Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract chunk C:\Users\dvwdf\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\Backup\egpn-msfs\96cbb614-a8a1-43aa-b38a-a77a09578e17.c.zip
2020-11-16T17:06:43.799Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 38.00%  Extracted: 268 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:45.024Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 38.00%  Extracted: 268 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:46.234Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 41.00%  Extracted: 295 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:47.468Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 41.00%  Extracted: 296 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:48.700Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 42.00%  Extracted: 303 / 672.
2020-11-16T17:06:49.692Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer ExtractTime
2020-11-16T17:06:49.806Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extract Complete
2020-11-16T17:06:49.807Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T17:06:49.807Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Run actions for stage: After
2020-11-16T17:06:49.810Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer ActionsTime
2020-11-16T17:06:49.810Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Beginning configuration.
2020-11-16T17:06:49.810Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink to F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T17:06:49.810Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink F:\FS2020\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee - F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T17:06:49.817Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Configuration completed.
2020-11-16T17:06:49.817Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T17:06:49.818Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T17:06:49.819Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T17:06:49.819Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer CleanupTime
2020-11-16T17:06:49.820Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Stopped job timer TotalTime
2020-11-16T17:06:49.820Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Timer TotalTime elapsed 00:00:23.6615895
2020-11-16T17:06:49.820Z [INFO] [Saturn] - 00:00:23.6615895
2020-11-16T17:06:49.820Z [INFO] [Saturn] - TargetScan: 00:00:00.0732801
2020-11-16T17:06:49.820Z [INFO] [Saturn] - DownloadTime: 00:00:00.0002098
2020-11-16T17:06:49.820Z [INFO] [Saturn] - ExtractTime: 00:00:23.4405161
2020-11-16T17:06:49.820Z [INFO] [Saturn] - ActionsTime: 00:00:00.0060862
2020-11-16T17:06:49.820Z [INFO] [Saturn] - CleanupTime: 00:00:00.0024674
2020-11-16T17:06:49.820Z [INFO] [Saturn] - TotalTime: 00:00:23.6615895
2020-11-16T17:06:49.828Z [INFO] [Saturn] - egpn-msfs: 100.00%
2020-11-16T17:06:49.838Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Post-install process for egpn-msfs beginning.
2020-11-16T17:06:49.838Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Installing set to false during post-install: egpn-msfs
2020-11-16T17:06:49.889Z [DEBUG] [Central::InstallationService] - Version text written to path: F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\version_egpn-msfs.txt
2020-11-16T17:06:49.889Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installation report analytics.
2020-11-16T17:06:49.894Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installed product analytics.
2020-11-16T17:06:49.904Z [INFO] [Central::InstallationService] - Post-install process for egpn-msfs complete.
2020-11-16T17:06:49.905Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Job released 686543840
2020-11-16T17:06:49.905Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Complete
2020-11-16T17:06:50.395Z [DEBUG] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Installation analytics sent successfully for egpn-msfs
2020-11-16T17:06:50.488Z [INFO] [Central::SurveyService] - No survey available.
2020-11-16T17:07:22.733Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Simulator process check cache value has been invalidated.
2020-11-16T17:07:24.744Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Sending sync request
2020-11-16T17:07:24.752Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Queue added job
2020-11-16T17:07:24.758Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Synchronizing msfs (F:\FS2020)
2020-11-16T17:07:24.760Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink to F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T17:07:24.761Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink F:\FS2020\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee - F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T17:07:24.768Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [SUCCESS] Synchronizing completed successfully.
2020-11-16T17:07:24.776Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Job released 830448977
2020-11-16T17:07:24.850Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Sync completed successfully.
2020-11-16T17:07:26.468Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Sending sync request
2020-11-16T17:07:26.476Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Queue added job
2020-11-16T17:07:26.509Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Synchronizing msfs (F:\FS2020)
2020-11-16T17:07:26.510Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink to F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T17:07:26.510Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink F:\FS2020\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee - F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee
2020-11-16T17:07:26.516Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [SUCCESS] Synchronizing completed successfully.
2020-11-16T17:07:26.523Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Job released 131431749
2020-11-16T17:07:26.570Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Sync completed successfully.
2020-11-16T17:15:24.455Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T17:15:25.103Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T17:25:24.445Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T17:25:24.465Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update 
2020-11-16T17:25:24.474Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2020-11-16T17:25:25.118Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.1.23 is not available (latest version: 4.1.23, downgrade is disallowed).
2020-11-16T17:25:25.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T17:35:23.754Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T17:35:24.462Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T17:45:23.754Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T17:45:25.510Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T17:55:23.743Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T17:55:23.757Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update 
2020-11-16T17:55:23.763Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2020-11-16T17:55:24.429Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T17:55:24.457Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.1.23 is not available (latest version: 4.1.23, downgrade is disallowed).
2020-11-16T18:05:23.743Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T18:05:24.661Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T18:15:23.744Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T18:15:25.638Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T18:25:23.752Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T18:25:23.757Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update 
2020-11-16T18:25:23.762Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2020-11-16T18:25:24.438Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T18:25:24.555Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.1.23 is not available (latest version: 4.1.23, downgrade is disallowed).
2020-11-16T18:35:23.757Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T18:35:24.547Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T18:45:23.754Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T18:45:25.129Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T18:55:23.743Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T18:55:23.757Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update 
2020-11-16T18:55:23.761Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2020-11-16T18:55:24.516Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T18:55:24.881Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.1.23 is not available (latest version: 4.1.23, downgrade is disallowed).
2020-11-16T19:05:23.744Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T19:05:25.160Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T19:15:23.744Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T19:15:24.470Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T19:25:23.755Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2020-11-16T19:25:23.757Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update 
2020-11-16T19:25:23.763Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2020-11-16T19:25:25.052Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2020-11-16T19:25:25.226Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.1.23 is not available (latest version: 4.1.23, downgrade is disallowed).

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the relevant line is this one:


2020-11-16T17:07:26.510Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Creating symlink F:\FS2020\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee - F:\Orbx Library\msfs\EGPN Dundee Airport\Community\Orbx-airport-egpn-dundee


Please take a look at your content.xml file and ensure that there is a line


<Package name="orbx-airport-egpn-dundee" active="true"/>


in it.


For future reference, if you wish to have a file read, please make a copy of the file itself and attach the entire file to the topic, like this:



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