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Dundee for P3D has a large area of land surrounding the airport modelled (see pic). In my opinion, that gives it a wonderful character, - little houses of the sort that presumably exist there (other pic). It also has quite a lot of the town itself made by hand. The new MSFS version has only the airport itself, with default MSFS apartment blocks making up the surrounding area, nothing like the quaint P3D landscape.


Are there any plans to include a wider area around the MSFS airport in the future?  

temp dundee.jpg

temp dundee 2.jpg

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13 hours ago, Scupper said:

nothing like the quaint P3D landscape.


Hi there,


I live about 15 miles from Dundee (near EGPT) and quaint is a word which is rarely used when describing the city! Saw your post and realised it was an ideal chance to enjoy a look around without the pressure of testing :)


In MSFS there are a couple of blocks in the woods just North of the airport which shouldn't really be there but that's all that really strikes me as incongruous. The highlighted buildings are definitely there, Harris Academy on the right and the enormous Ninewells hospital on the left.




I suspect the Orbx PR stretches further than is obvious - it's just that it's not now covered with custom autogen.


The Mills observatory is still there on Balgay Hill (home to a lovely old 10 inch refractor) and I suspect you can see the edge of the Orbx photo scenery in the fields to the left.



One place where we did finish the photoscenery earlier than before is at the Waterfront. This area has undergone massive changes in the last few years with the construction of the new V and A and the regeneration of the entire area. The photoscenery used in the P3D version is now well out of date and the Bing imagery much more appropriate so we decided to go with that. You can probably see the join just left of the building left of the Discovery. That's the one thing I really miss from the P3D version where that was a custom model of the actual Discovery Point visitor centre.

If you want a look at this area of Dundee I found a really good drone video showing this area.




For me the greatest thing in terms of realism is to have the Tay rail bridge in the scenery (sadly missing in the MSFS default). The model was improved from the P3D release to include the 'High Girders', the section which collapsed in the infamous disaster and now looks much more like the real thing. On approach to 27 I enjoy the Tesco and Barnetts car dealership visible in the shot as well - though I have a nasty feeling the latter has now changed from Nissan to Mazda - used to be VW.



Overall I reckon this version has a bit more of the feel of Dundee than the P3D one but do enjoy both. It's not the prettiest place on Earth but my next door neighbour is a true Dundonian and won't hear a word said against it!


However, in answer to your original question, I don't think there are any plans to make any more changes. I'd obviously love to see more custom buildings but, then, everyone feels that way about their locality I guess.


All the best,



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Wow,- thanks John, - I appreciate the time you put into that reply.   


I really liked the P3D Dundee, - perhaps it looks quainter from 1500 feet than close up... but from what you say and show, it seems like MSFS Dundee is as good or possibly even better so now I'll have to get the airport ^-^.



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3 hours ago, Scupper said:

Wow,- thanks John, - I appreciate the time you put into that reply. 


Your welcome, as I said it gave me a perfect excuse to go and have a nice relaxed look around the scenery.


If you liked the P3D version I'm sure you'll enjoy this one as well. You can always enjoy flying in from my local airport Perth, EGPT. Just beware - EGPT is default and Asobo have put a worrying trench across runway 09!


All the best,







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