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Sydney City scape half working?

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This is strange indeed. I can see from your screenshot that not only the ortho (ground texturing) is there but also water masks and terraforming rectangles/polygons. A few placed default objects are visible and the building excludes seem to work. Since the rectangles are there, the placement file is on your drive. Thus "only" the whole 3D content is missing. Can you please check if you have the file "modelLib.BGL" and the Texture folder in your Sydney folder?


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1 hour ago, CaptainC said:

it's definitely there??


Ok thank you, does the BGL file have the same size as to be seen on my screenshot (492,501 KB)?

The texture folder should contain 780 files (1.65 GB / 1,776,163,467 Bytes).


If all is present: Does the "Orbx-cityscape-sydney" folder look like this (particularly the size of the file "layout.json")?



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6 hours ago, CaptainC said:

I have tried, deleting rolling cache and re-installing with zero luck.

Any ideas?

Ok, let’s try to further narrow down the issue. Obviously something’s blocking the 3D content although no other scenery addon is installed so nothing should interfere.


2 more attempts:

  • Please try ticking „verify files“ in the configuration panel. I know you have checked your Sydney folders already but you never know.
  • Can you please show me a screenshot of your graphics settings in MSFS (particularly level of detail sliders)?
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Have clicked verify and seen the 2 green tick come up in Orbx central.

Have re-installed it in the main directory and outside too (at separate times).


Have tried deleting all files in the community folder and reinstalling the city scape so its the only one


and see attached pic :)


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