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Change directory of installation


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I downloaded Orbx Central yesterday.


I installed it in the default proposed location C:\Users\TONY\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\Orbx Central.exe


Then I changed my mind and wanted to install on another hard drive (E:)


So I uninstalled Orbx Central through Control Panel > Program and Features


But when I reinstall, it won't let me the choice to choose another location but automatically installs in C:\Users\TONY\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central\Orbx Central.exe


I'm running Windows 10.





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Thank you Nick.


OK so by design Orbx Central don't let the user choose the installation directory.


It does not cause me a problem. I just wanted to install all my P3D utilities and addons on a separate drive instead of C:


By the way, do you know if for Chase Plane, which installation is now managed by Orbx Central, the installation directory is also 'forced' to C:\Program Files\Parallel 42\ChasePlane? Or do the user have the choice? I did not manage to change the directory



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