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Scenery Migration Library


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You want to move the contents of a library directly into the Custom Scenery folder in the XP directory?

Yes you can but if there are Orbx addons in that Library then you need to ensure that you move the actual addon files are put in the Custom Scenery folder. By that I mean, that when installing an Orbx addon into a library, it creates a symbolic link which then goes into your Custom Scenery folder. The addon will  be named as the addon you installed but when you click it to open it it will say Custom Scenery, you the click to open that and that is when you see the actual folders.

See my example below of what I mean. This is for my installation of TE Florida on a library I named as Orbx:

The path to that addon is Orbx/xp11/True earth US Florida SD/ Custom Scenery/ and then the actual folders of the addon.










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I think I get what you are saying. Let me be sure.


Do I copy my TrueEarth Great Britain North folder including sub folders from my migrated drive ? To the XPlane Custom Scenery folder. Do I need to delete any reference files in the XPlaine Custom Scenery folder?


Thank you.


Bill McCracken

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Make sure you copy only the actual addon files like in the last pic  using Florida as the example. Keep opening the library file until you get to the actual addon files and move those over to your Custom Scenery folder.The pics above showed you the actual process and the last pic shows you the files to move. In this example case , the 4 TE Florida files.

The path to that addon is Orbx (the name of the library)/xp11/True Earth US Florida SD/ Custom Scenery/ and then the actual folders of the addon as in the last pic.



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@Nick Cooper Can you oblige and make this a new topic as it is nothing to do with Migrating a scenery library, but an installation issue.Thanks.

@sergei bravetc I do not know how good your understanding of English as i see you are using a translator software.

Anyway there is a link here which tells you exactly what is required to install  True Earth addon. 

The message is typical of not having enough free disk space available.
Please read the link  and ensure you meet ALL the requirements.
Particular attention needs to be made to the references to free disk space both on the disk to which downloads go into your Temp folder and the free space required for the installation.
Guides on how to move your Temp  folder if required are also in the link.
Failure to convert the files is a strong indication of not enough free disk space on either the C drive where Windows places your Temp drive by default, or the drive you are wanting to install on. 


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