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XP TE GB Mesh vs. P3D


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While contrasting between XP, MSFS and P3D; noticed that the mesh in XP is much poorer compared to P3D.


Have I made an error with install or is this a limitation within XP? Can't find a setting for mesh complexity.


Cadair Idris Pass (A487), Mach Loop, Wales




Many thanks



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This is somewhat a limitation of XP in that XP's mesh is fixed in stone and doesn't increase or decrease in quality as you approach it like it does in P3D. Think of it as a fixed 3D model compared to P3D that draws it on the fly.


The downside is that if the entire mesh was at maximum detail it would reduce your framerate to 1fps or worse, so it's a compromise that the mesh is higher detail around airports and the coastline and reduces in other areas so that it's usable. It's unfortunate, but this is just a current platform limitation we have to live with on XP

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not that I am aware of. Any additional mesh that would affect the inbuilt mesh of TEGB would potentially distort the scenery causing things like elevation issues, floating objects etc. One reason I left P3D was the popping scenery, caused by mesh where objects of autogen and also hills and mountains kept adjusting there height as you approached them. This is as described in Tony's reply above.

"This is somewhat a limitation of XP in that XP's mesh is fixed in stone and doesn't increase or decrease in quality as you approach it like it does in P3D. Think of it as a fixed 3D model compared to P3D that draws it on the fly."

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