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true earth diwnload

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ihave just purchased  true earth south great britain and when i try to download  get message  error not enough space ,i am a novice with  computers so how do i transfer the download to my other hard drive ?

does the download go into custom scenery, do i move that to the other hard drive if so how. I know i am asking stupid questions but  am very confused.

Would very much appreciate any help you can give me.


Many thanks


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Welcome to the Orbx forums.

Not a stupid question at all. It can be quite daunting if you are not familiar with the workings of Orbx central and Orbx addons.

Below is a link to a piece I wrote about the installing of True Earth addons into XP. You need to pay particular attention to the amount of free space on the drive you are downloading on to and the drive you want o install onto. due to the size of True Earth (TE) addons the downloads are a series of compressed zipped files that need to be decompressed/extracted and this is done on the drive you are downloading onto. By default if you are a Windows user, the Temp folder to which downloads go into will be on your C drive. You need to move this to a larger capacity drive. The download size for TEGB South is initially 26GB and then after extraction swells  to more than 52GB and after installation will be around 127GB.

I also attach a pic which shows you how and where to move your Temp folder to off your C drive. It is ringed in Red on the pic and you need to move it to where you want it and then click on Edit as in the pic and point to the new location of your Temp folder. You will see in the pic that I moved my Temp folder to my E drive which is a 1TB SSD

So to summarise you need to make sure you have at least 70GB+ of ree space on your drive with the Temp folder on it and at least 135GB+ free space on your drive you want to install onto.

I also attach a copy of the User guide for Orbx Central so you can read up on how to install your Orbx addons to where ever you want them by creating Libraries. It sounds a bit complicated but it really isn't once you have got the knowledge.

If you require additional assistance the don't hesitate to ask me.






Central User Guide.pdf

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