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How Does Orbx Work?

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I just purchased, downloaded and installed the TerraFirma Library for Mac XPlane11. As far as I know I installed everything correctly however I see nothing within XPlane that suggests it is installed and running. I see nothing different in the trees or other details that is not default Plane scenery. So here are my questions...

1) How does this application work? Are there any controls within XPlane11 to adjust what I might see there? Are there menu controls. I see none at all. 

2) What is the correct loading sequence within XP11 Custom Scenery. When I installed the app it also installed two folders at the bottom of my Custom Scenery folder. I tried loading XP with this setup and saw nothing. I then deleted my scenery_packs.ini file as well as the scenery_packs.ini.backup-Orbx files. I did this because I use a modified system for organizing my scenery files. Accordingly I renamed the Orbx folders to load within my "Libraries" section. Regardless, I saw nothing different when XP loaded. 


So I am confused by how this application actually works. Also, when I enter the Control app and select the Guide within the TerraFirma section I see a dialog that no such file exists for this request. I did download the Central User Guide but this does not explain how the application works, where the CustomScenery files need to be stored and in what sequence and what I should be seeing within XPlane11 as an interface with this application. 


Any clear explanation to get me started will be greatly appreciated. 

scenery_packs.ini Log.txt

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Jon, Thank you for your note. I installed Orbx according to the directions, placing the Central app in the User/Library/Application Support/Orbx folder (allowing the App itself to be installed into the Applications folder). I then installed the TerraFirma Library into the User directory (default location). Before doing this I took note of How XPlane11 displayed forest trees near my location. I made sure within the app to synchronize the App with my XPlane installation and got the two green check marks indicating a proper link. I then launched XPlane. I saw exactly the same forest display as before. In other words no change. Assuming this had to relate to the Scenery load order I checked the Custom Scenery folder and saw that the installer had created two folders: Orbx_OrbxlibsXP and TerraFloraXP. These were located at the bottom of the list. It also created a new file called scenery_packs.ini.backup-Orbx which it placed below the scenery_packs.ini file. 


This morning I did an experiment, removing all files other than Global Airports from the Custom Scenery folder. I launched XP and this time it revealed a densely packed forest full of trees surrounding my airport location. In other words, TerraFirma was displaying properly. Unfortunately my location was an airport in central Utah surrounded by desert. If this product just places dense forests everywhere I am afraid it is useless to me. Accordingly I would appreciate your refunding me the $24.95 (AUD) purchase price and I will trash the TerraFirma product. You may then feel free to cancel my registration data or whatever else you need to do to cancel this purchase. I will keep the (free) Orbx Central app and will review your website to see if any of your available airport libraries are of interest to me. Thank you for your assistance in making this happen. 

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You may be technically correct. However, I am a user of your product and what I see is what I see. Attached are two images, one at Monument Valley AZ, the other at KPUC in central Utah. Both are located in desert country. While there may be a few gnarly mesquite trees and cactus plants around the rest of the terrain is desert. You TerraFlora library makes these areas look like western Washington rain forest. Again... you may be correct about how this library works but the result for me is unacceptable. I would like a refund for this product please. 


—S Haines


Monument Valley.jpg

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