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KORS details and ground

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Hi all,


Just after installing and a first quick check I was a bit puzzled cause as one of my all time favorites KORS isn't as detailed and immersive as it was in P3D. The lack of custom ground and taxi markings is one point. But in addition small immersive stuff and details like signs etc are missing. You are showing preview slide shots of Orbx KORS vs msfs KORS. Thats fine and showing new customers what to expect and for sure its a big improvement. But for all long time customers a slide shot of Orbx P3D vs MSFS KORS would be showing a slightly other pic. For sure the SDK is fresh and evolving and you as a team of known fact talented developers need to familiarize with it and the new technics. And don't get this as a simple moaning, thats really not the case. My only question at the moment simply is.


Is this KORS as other msfs products mentioned WIP and will be enhanced over time as your team gets into the groove with the new sdk?


And before someone states I'm ungrateful and onyl demanding stuff with even a reduced price I paid. I'm even willing to pay an additional upgrade fee for it cause we all know that you are not doing that for simple joy, you have a company, individuals and families to take care of.




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Hello Thorsten,

thank you for your differentiated feedback. I know what you are talking about. KORS was not simply ported from P3D to MSFS, but was built from scratch. I wanted to implement KORS with the new design techniques and possibilities that MSFS offers. You may have noticed that the quality of the buildings and ground textures could be increased significantly, also because I transformed the photos of all buildings into 2K and 4K resolution. This is a good basis for achieving a higher quality level overall. The SDK and design tools are still incomplete in many areas. It will take a while before we can implement everything we are used to. I am happy if you request detailed airports.  More to come!

Have fun with KORS!


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I'd like to say that i'm overall really happy with the Orbx KORS airport; Orcas is one of my IRL home stomping grounds, so I had to get it. I can't really compare it to the versions released for other simulators, but theres a couple of things I think would really put it over the top. 


One of the things about FS2020 that I guess the algorithms havent been able to properly digest in the satellite imagery is the presence of the ubiquitous radio towers scattered across the countryside, and I hope that this is one of the things that gets some attention at Asobo at some point and they are able to tweak their algorithm to pick them up (this is obviously not specific to the area around KORS). In particular Orcas Island has very conspicuous radio towers atop Mt. Constitution which is adjacent to the town of Eastound (KORS) and when flying around the San Juan islands it would be nice to be able to use the towers for bearing, especially if they had their obstruction lights. Its kinda funny to have to second guess which mountain is Mt. Constitution early on approach.


I don't know if Asobo has any particular design philosophy that affects the presence of non-aeronavigational towers with obstruction lights or something, but I can see why some past simulators would have found them distracting from a game design perspective.


The bottom line is if Asobo doesnt end up coming up with a good algorithm for the detection of radio towers, it would be pretty nice if those towers could be added to the Orbx KORS scenery data, even if just placeholder models with lights. It's not a priority in the grand scheme of things, but In some ways I feel the lack of the towers on the island is specifically notable when flying to and from that airport. Theres some other landmarks that would be nice to have on the island (Rosario resort where the seaplane terminal is and the CCC tower also atop Mt. Constitution) that are pretty much mangled by the autogen, not that it isnt really beautiful anyways and im happy with the airport and the town of Eastsound itself. 


Relatedly and probably more as feedback to Asobo/Microsoft FS2020, Telecom towers especially in other places where there are few prominent landmarks are something that I think would make VFR in FS2020 even better. For example in Houston there are massive "radio tower farms" with dozens of extremely tall radio and television transmitters visible for from a very long ways away that are absent in FS2020 at the moment, but if they were there they would be great to have implemented since flatter areas have so fewer VFR landmarks.


Thanks for the great work, lots of TLC goes into the little details that make KORS feel like Orcas Island.





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