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What Orbx central files can I erase to make room for FS2020?

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I have a 1TB SSD that I intend to place FS2020 on next week when it launches. I checked my available space, and I would like to delete some material to make sure I have plenty of space for the program and any associated files it might initially save as I use it.


I found a large cluster of Orbx files that I cannot see the need for keeping, but I need clarification.


Here is the folder structure/path.


C: - Users - Kenneth - AppData - Roaming - Orbx - Central - Backup


Within this backup folder are numerous subfolders, and these seem to directly relate to the Orbx products I've purchased and installed for P3d v4.5


However, upon examination, these folders are filled with large numbers of compressed zip files. In fact, the zipped files account for 182 GB of drive space, almost 20% of the total drive capacity. This begs the following questions.


  1. What is the purpose of these zipped files?
  2. Do I really need to keep them?
  3. If I get rid of them, does it disturb the workings of Orbx scenery in p3d, or the workings of Central in any way?
  4. If I do delete them, do I just use explorer and erase them, or is there some mechanism in Central to delete them?


With just four days to go to the launch of FS2020, I would appreciate an answer before that point. I'm sure it would help many other Orbx users too.




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