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Orbx Products in V5 & V4


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 Hello all,

I am starting to install more of my products into V5 but i continue to use V4. At this time i don't know when i will fully step away from V4.
The location where i have Orbx products install has two folders, p3dv4 & p3dv4, Is there any way i can get around the same files installed in this location to save some disc space?

For example using symlink or something? I wanted to check here first in case there are files within V5 that would clash with V4 doing it that way. Its purely just to free up some space so i don't have the same stuff installed double, If you follow me.


Thank you.

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16 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


the folders are p3dv4 and p3dv5.

You could use the files in p3dv4 but they may not work in P3D v5.

If your eventual plan is to use just P3D v5, then it would make sense

to persevere with installing the correct files.


Thank you Nick,

So a simple copy and paste is not really a good idea as there are different files right?

I assume best way to avoid any issues is to leave it as it is

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