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True Earth South Eng problem


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Hi all,


I've recently become a XPlane convert from FSXSE. Today I bought TE Southern Eng Ortho scenery and my local Airport Bristol International. Sadly I have two issues:


First off, the runway is flat, now EGGD has a great runway with a crest near to one end. This was reproduced perfectly with the default XP11 Airport, one of the reasons I like XPlane over FSX....... no flat runways! This is down to the True Earth scenery - as I disabled the Orbx Airport with XOrganiser and the default was still flat, I then disabled the Orbx scenery and used Orbx EGGD and the runway was crested. 


Secondly: I have issues with some of the water (Barrow Tanks to the N of the runway, and the River Avon in Bristol) being filled with trees. This is really spoiling things. I have noticed a few other small rivers that are filled in too, but lined with trees, so are obviously meant to show up.


Any help would be greatly appriciated!


I run XP11.5 and have tried both ordering the scenery pack.ini with XOrganiser and the Orbx tool, both to no avail.


Cheers, Mark

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Please attach your scenery_packs.ini for me to look at. I have commented many times that X-Organiser does not always work will with Orbx addons especially the True Earth ones.

Are you using PilotPlus payware Bristol airport ?

Have you got "Runways follow terrain contours" enabled in XP Settings/General?

 I will take a look but feel I need to inform you of three things first.

Orbx doesn't provide support for beta versions of sims. Only official release versions.

No airports in TEGB addons are Orbx airports and are solely Laminar default Gateway airports designed by Laminar and their devs to fit into the default XP scenery. Orbx has no authority to modify any default airport.

3rd party airport addons are the responsibility of the developer to modify  as Orbx again has no authority to do so. Pilot Plus may be able to offer additional advice on their support form @Pilot Plus. I have tagged their representative to these forums for you.

Lastly I need a couple of pics please to show the water filled with trees so i can look myself, after I have checked your scenery_packs.ini.


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Hi Jon, thanks for your reply.


I am at work at the moment, and will post .ini file and pics as requested when I get home.


Yes, I have the Pilot Plus EGGD add-on, but as I said, elevations are fine with default scenery. I also have the "runways follow terrain contours" checked.


I was using my own ortho4xp scenery with the HD Mesh freeware prior to buying the Orbx package, but was disappointed with the autogen encroaching on landmarks, so liked the look of the True Earth package. All water etc was fine with that, but understand the not supporting a Beta thing. 


Not sure about the some of the water issues, but the elevations appear to be a (mesh?) issue. Sorry, I have a little knowledge, but am far from fully enlightened!


I did look around here before I posted, but couldn't find anything to help me. Did find the bit about changing runways follow contours thing though.


Again, many thanks for your response, and I'll post again later.



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HI Again,


Some attached pictures as promised, both of STD scenery (with PilotPlus EGGD) and the same with Orbx Scenery.


With the scenery_Pack.ini, I did notice that if I set the order with XOganiser it was a bit different than if I set it with the Orbx Central software. The jpg here is with the Orbx Central order, as I ran it in the pictures.







Many thanks, Mark







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Ok thanks for the pics. Your scenery_packs.ini needs a bit od attention that is why I wanted it as an attachment rather than jpg.

Anyway, regarding the lack of slope you need to address that with Pilot Plus as it is their addon. It was noted by some that there was no sloped runway at the time of release.

Regarding trees in water, I am struggling to see that anomaly in your last 2 pics. Can you elaborate or focus in where this is occurring. It maybe my old eyes but I am not picking the problem up with the pics provided.

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It's not the Airport add-on Jon. As you can see in the jpg's (pictures 2, 3, and 4) Same add-on airport, just Std scenery vs Orbx Scenery.  First two are contoured (Std Scenery) third one is flat (same Airport add-on, just using Orbx TE), Unless I'm very much mistaken?


As for Barrow "Tanks", If you take another look at the pictures embedded I have highlighted the issue. The first picture has nice(ish!) blue water, the second is green, filled with trees, and is bloody hard to spot from a distance - the lakes just look like fields from a distance. They are important local Airport VRP's, used a lot for holding and navigation.


I'll also attach a new .ini file






Many thanks!



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I agree that the slope is evident in the default, non TEGB scenario, however it is still a matter for @Pilot Plus to advise on why there is no slope when using TEGB South. The airport was, for XP, listed as blending with TEGB South. It is far less of a job for Pilot Plus to make the runway slope fit in with TEGB than it is for TEGB mesh to be modified without causing a ripple/domino effect of potentially introducing other mesh anomalies within the 1x1 tile coverage that is used in XP, unlike P3D. That would be an awful lot of work to introduce a slope in one airport and I honestly cannot see it being undertaken when Pilot Plus could probably do a fix. We need to wait their response.



I have only made a couple of very minor alterations to your scenry_packs.ini which I attach.



I will take a flight over the water problem to confirm it is trees that are there instead of water.

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I attach 3 pics of what I see regarding the water issue. I do not see trees. I see dark water. If it were trees they would be defined and looking like trees rather than the greeny hue of water. The TEGB shots are actually photo shots of the real thing so the default scenery shots are representative and not accurate. I include one extreme close up of the water which shows no signs of any tree models or even left over unedited footprints of trees.







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Hi both, 


Focusing on the points made regarding Bristol for X-Plane: 


Due to a limitation with X-Plane and how the mesh was created it is not possible for the Bristol mesh to be compatible with TrueEarth. We have indeed worked with the Orbx team to integrate but sadly it is not possible due to a simulator limitation. The mesh package is also additional experimental extra and not in the core product.


1 hour ago, Jon Clarke said:

It is far less of a job for Pilot Plus to make the runway slope fit in with TEGB than it is for TEGB mesh to be modified without causing a ripple/domino effect of potentially introducing other mesh anomalies within the 1x1 tile coverage that is used in XP, unlike P3D.


Indeed this is correct, thank you for clarifying Jon. Although, it is not a less of a job for any party in this instance. We wish it was possible as we would love to see the sloped runway with our custom airport also working with TrueEarth. 

During installation of the mesh, you would have been directed to this page: https://pilotplus.io/eggd-mesh/ 
It states important notes, such as how your TrueEarth will be disabled if the mesh is installed. 


As for now, if you use the extra Mesh pack your TEGB South will be disabled by the simulator. In the future we will likely investigate this further. 

For now if you require any further assistance please open a support ticket here: https://help.pilotplus.io/ 

I hope that helps to clear up the issues you are seeing.

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Thanks for the replies guys.


First off a reply to you Jon. You are right, on closer inspection it is not trees! I landed on the "lakes" earlier, and they look like vegetation, sadly I am no at my pc presently to send you a screen shot, but would ask if you could land on there to see for yourself. That's not water my friend.

Also, the River Avon which the Clifton Suspension bridge is over, looks dried up too, as I showed you earlier in the post. There is definitely a water issue going on here sadly.


Pilot Plus; that's a shame about the runway, having used the real one many times, it has such character, and it's a shame it's lost in your otherwise great Airport.

What's also strange is when I run my ortho4xp tile as a kind of hybrid mixed in with the Orbx scenery (replacing the Bristol tile and associated files - made with 1.3 Ortho4xp and HD Mesh) the runway is crested as it should be. This is odd as your webpage says it doesn't work with Orbx or Ortho4xp?


Jon, this "hybrid" fix also sorts out the water issues. I have the Barrow Tanks, and the River Avon in all their glory!

Comes with issues of course, colour matching issues etc.


Thanks for your input guys




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