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white shimmering 'border lines' in sea at Catalina Island

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Not sure if this is P3Dv5 or Orbx or both but this is first time I have seen this when I tried Catalina Island for the first time today.  They appear almost as if a gap between texture tiles or a border of the scenery area.  Anyone come across this before and have a fix?



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6 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


as only you know where this is, if you still have P3D v4 installed, try a visit there

in that simulator and see if the problem is there too.

Otherwise, please provide the coordinates.


Hi Nick, this isn't something I've seen in V4.

Shot in first post was just North of Avalon, Catalina island.  Further shots were out to sea off of LA.  

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30 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

I wonder if this problem is rooted in the same cause as your Hollywood sign problem.

You could try some different settings in P3D v5 perhaps.

I am assuming in both cases that you have the latest P3D version,

Yes only downloaded V5 last weekend.

Not sure if they are connected as the hollywood sign is acting at a distance whereas these lines are closer up around the aircraft and only seem to appear when water is on Ultra.  Further testing required for sure.  Anyway I doubt it’s Orbx related having tested more this morning so apologies for wasting time here.  

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