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Laurel, Montana 6S8 elevation issue

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I have North America Central Rockies and it works well at all the airports I've visited except this one, Laurel 6S8, where there's a horrible elevation issue. NA landclass is disabled and these hangers are clearly from CRM. I've tried verifying CRM and Orbx libs, and changing the insertion point, I've also tried reinstalling CRM and reducing mesh size to minimum. I've done the rebuild terrain config thing. When I use NA landclass  it looks better although the hangers sit above the ground and there are cliff edges on three sides. Default P3D5 isn't pretty either in terms of edges, but nothing like as bad as with CRM. With P3D4, I would have moved CRM up the scenery library but I can't with this because it's an XML addon.
I've flown into here before but it was probably with P3D4.
Could someone who uses CRM please crank up a flight from here and tell me if it's just my setup or some kind of bug?

Temp Laurel 2.jpg

Temp Laurel 6S8.jpg

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I have enabled CRM and started a flight from 6S8. I can confirm what you found. The same elevation issues. I have verified CRM, Libraries and did a re-sync. But the problem is still there. 
I think it's an issue for the team reviewing the Orbx-regions.




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