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Annoyed again with Milvis and 2nd attempt with MD 530F "PBR"

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I have some thought you guys might find interesting, first of all Prepar3D dose not come with any helicopters that actually educate you on a proper start me up, fly me like this and shut down like this kinda thing. So which is why I spend most of my time with Take on Helicopters because their flight model and startup procedures are nice and educational. I just want that to be present in this sim. So one of the helicopters in that game is an MD 530. It's the basic lightweight work horse. I enjoy it two. So Milvis wants 60 bucks for their PBR version! Why I don't agree with this but conflicted. See I do want it. But It has some old demons that have not been sorted. Such as the wire cutters that flash and dissapear when you look at them. For 60 bucks it would of been good to open the engine latches as well. Floats don't work either. It's a bit frustrating as Orbx have put this one on their favorites. 

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