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Forced landing but where am I?

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Hi there,

First of all, many thanks for such a great product. It's simply awesome!

While flying and searching to land at Romsey airstrip it got a little bit late and dark and the good old garmin's battery died on my.. :o

So I circled to land on a nearby field and discovered this ...disused strip? It's spread over a hill and declination, too short of course, but coming from the east it's managable with the trusty Cessna with full flaps (55 knot's) after having avoided two huge trees. It's not on the maps or on Google (or perhaps I may need glasses) but does anyone know if this is a (former) strip at all...and it's name?

Took a photo and set up my tent. Gonna see tomorrow if there's some coffee around ;) and trying to find Romsey..

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