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Unable to install "US Northern California HD" library

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I've tried to install this on two different systems now. The second is a clean install of Windows 10, with 1.75TB of free disk space.


Operating system:  Windows 10 - 19041.388

Simulator:  X-Plane 11.50 Beta


Issue:  Unable to install/convert "US Northern California HD" library


Upon install: 17694 file(s) failed to convert.

Clicking "Verify Files" results in a repeat of the same problem.


This appears to be the relevant portion of the log file:


2020-07-18T21:46:24.573Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Running MainStage with ssd concurrency. Throttler limit is 10.
2020-07-18T21:46:24.574Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Converting Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_US_NoCal_TE_Orthos\textures\be40x50d0x17.JPG
2020-07-18T21:46:24.574Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Converting Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_US_NoCal_TE_Orthos\textures\c540x5500x17.jpg
2020-07-18T21:46:24.574Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Converting Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_US_NoCal_TE_Orthos\textures\c080x5520x17.JPG
2020-07-18T21:46:24.574Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Converting Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_US_NoCal_TE_Orthos\textures\c6b0x5480x17.JPG
2020-07-18T21:46:24.574Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Converting Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_US_NoCal_TE_Orthos\textures\c490x57c0x17.JPG
2020-07-18T21:46:24.618Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] texconv exited with code -1073741515
2020-07-18T21:46:24.618Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] texconv exited with code -1073741515
2020-07-18T21:46:24.618Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] C:\Users\paul\Orbx Library\xp11\TrueEarth US Northern California HD\Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_US_NoCal_TE_Orthos\textures\c490x57c0x17.JPG doesn't exist after conversion.
2020-07-18T21:46:24.618Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] C:\Users\paul\Orbx Library\xp11\TrueEarth US Northern California HD\Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_US_NoCal_TE_Orthos\textures\c540x5500x17.jpg doesn't exist after conversion.
2020-07-18T21:46:24.618Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] Failed to convert Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_US_NoCal_TE_Orthos\textures\c490x57c0x17.JPG
2020-07-18T21:46:24.659Z [INFO] [Saturn] - System.Exception: Conversion failed.
2020-07-18T21:46:24.659Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Jobs.Install.MainSubStages.ConvertSubStage.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<ConvertFile>b__0()
2020-07-18T21:46:24.660Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] Failed to convert Custom Scenery\Orbx_C_US_NoCal_TE_Orthos\textures\c540x5500x17.jpg
2020-07-18T21:46:24.660Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] texconv exited with code -1073741515
2020-07-18T21:46:24.660Z [INFO] [Saturn] - System.Exception: Conversion failed.
2020-07-18T21:46:24.660Z [INFO] [Saturn] -    at Saturn.Jobs.Install.MainSubStages.ConvertSubStage.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<ConvertFile>b__0()
2020-07-18T21:46:24.660Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] texconv exited with code -1073741515
2020-07-18T21:46:24.660Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [ERROR] texconv exited with code -1073741515


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