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True Earth Blurry Textures

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Hi folks,

I’ve been doing a lot of VFR GA/air taxi flying and have been loving the True Earth scenery - every VRP for any airport I’ve operated into is there, the Wenroe TV mast at Cardiff, the Liver Building at Liverpool, the cement works at Southam just outside of Birmingham. Really top stuff.

The only problem I’m having is blurry textures. I have a fairly decent computer, not the absolute latest possibly but i7-9700K, 1080Ti etc. And I get very good frame rates, but even with autogen set to ‘none’ and settings right down, I’m getting blurry textures and it takes ages for the textures to load and sharpen up. I’ve tried fibre frame time fraction thingy, the texturemaxload, the setting that ends in ‘10’ that everyone says is a CPU buster. Nothing has worked. My CPU is also not doing very much - it’s not running near to full capacity or very high temperatures, which is good, but is very frustrating seeing a load of really blurry textures and my Computer not seemingly doing much about it. And when the textures have loaded (when I’ve paused to allow the loading to catch up, for example) it runs very smoothly. I feel I need something to give the CPU a kick up the backside and make it pull it’s weight. 
I have P3D and my Orbx stuff loaded on a fairly basic HDD, could that be it? I do have a free SSD but it’s only 250GB - is there a way of storing the Orbx files on there but leave P3D on the HDD? would that even make a difference?
any help greatly appreciated folks,

take care,

BTW I have Vsync on and frames locked to 30 in the sim

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On 7/3/2020 at 4:40 PM, rondon9898 said:

Hi folks,

I’ve been doing a lot of VFR GA/air taxi flying and have been loving the True Earth scenery - every VRP for any airport I’ve operated into is there, the Wenroe TV mast at Cardiff, the Liver Building at Liverpool, the cement works at Southam just outside of Birmingham. Really top stuff.

The only problem I’m having is blurry textures. I have a fairly decent computer, not the absolute latest possibly but i7-9700K, 1080Ti etc. And I get very good frame rates, but even with autogen set to ‘none’ and settings right down, I’m getting blurry textures and it takes ages for the textures to load and sharpen up. I’ve tried fibre frame time fraction thingy, the texturemaxload, the setting that ends in ‘10’ that everyone says is a CPU buster. Nothing has worked. My CPU is also not doing very much - it’s not running near to full capacity or very high temperatures, which is good, but is very frustrating seeing a load of really blurry textures and my Computer not seemingly doing much about it. And when the textures have loaded (when I’ve paused to allow the loading to catch up, for example) it runs very smoothly. I feel I need something to give the CPU a kick up the backside and make it pull it’s weight. 
I have P3D and my Orbx stuff loaded on a fairly basic HDD, could that be it? I do have a free SSD but it’s only 250GB - is there a way of storing the Orbx files on there but leave P3D on the HDD? would that even make a difference?
any help greatly appreciated folks,

take care,

BTW I have Vsync on and frames locked to 30 in the sim

You need FFTF Dynamic v5....3rd Party purchase. Set to 3,000 AGL.  That will do it...   Google it. Read what it does...how it does it.  Your FFTF setting becomes dynamic,  live-time...and changes in the second, depending upon the scenery load in demand.  With a manual setting, that you have now...no MATTER what is happening in the live-time animation load in...your pre-set FFTF .cfg setting could be totally inappropriate for the demand upon the CPU/GPU...and hence...lagging, and visually deteriorated texture AND...auto-gen load in, upon the screen.  Check it out...and you can buy me a virtual beer....

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On 7/3/2020 at 5:40 PM, rondon9898 said:

Hi folks,

I’ve been doing a lot of VFR GA/air taxi flying and have been loving the True Earth scenery - every VRP for any airport I’ve operated into is there, the Wenroe TV mast at Cardiff, the Liver Building at Liverpool, the cement works at Southam just outside of Birmingham. Really top stuff.

The only problem I’m having is blurry textures. I have a fairly decent computer, not the absolute latest possibly but i7-9700K, 1080Ti etc. And I get very good frame rates, but even with autogen set to ‘none’ and settings right down, I’m getting blurry textures and it takes ages for the textures to load and sharpen up. I’ve tried fibre frame time fraction thingy, the texturemaxload, the setting that ends in ‘10’ that everyone says is a CPU buster. Nothing has worked. My CPU is also not doing very much - it’s not running near to full capacity or very high temperatures, which is good, but is very frustrating seeing a load of really blurry textures and my Computer not seemingly doing much about it. And when the textures have loaded (when I’ve paused to allow the loading to catch up, for example) it runs very smoothly. I feel I need something to give the CPU a kick up the backside and make it pull it’s weight. 
I have P3D and my Orbx stuff loaded on a fairly basic HDD, could that be it? I do have a free SSD but it’s only 250GB - is there a way of storing the Orbx files on there but leave P3D on the HDD? would that even make a difference?
any help greatly appreciated folks,

take care,

BTW I have Vsync on and frames locked to 30 in the sim


You might also like to try this

Just be aware that the reduction of autogen removes some buildings in London





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13 hours ago, carlosqr said:

Orbx flyier


What about this? would this help?






Hi Carlos,  I just followed through this video (***AFTER CREATING A REGISTRY EXPORT BACKUP!!!!),  and reset the values as per his instructions, to the end of the video. I have not yet rebooted the system.  Now speaking about the 3rdP FFTF Dynamic program that one can purchase,  that is a RAVE review on my end.   It absolutely works just as advertised to do so, and if you set the AGL  (Above Ground  Level) setting top end, that default is 5,000 ft, to around 3,000 ft, if you like mostly VFR 80-250 knots over terrain,  it will absolutely keep your terrain and autogen visuals top notch, and crisp.  


As a result of my absolutely needing to have all the three slides of the WORLD section, at full right, (Extremely  Dense) as I wish to see/enjoy EVERYTHING I have paid for, and will not see, if those sliders are not at full right, (P3D not being visually  filtered),  when I could NOT use FFTF Dynamic in between P3D HF1 and 2, (for the Developer, did not have for about 2 days, after the HF2 release, his FFTF Dynamic for P3Dv5) for HF2...I had to fly P3Dv5HF2 without...and being that my system is an older four core (i7-975 Extreme) tagged to a GTX1070 8GB GPU, at my WORLD full right setting certainly had a blurry world below. I would start clear at the start airport, (like my personal default choice; KORS) and as soon as I climbed out, at around 100 knots...yes, the world below, the mountains, whatever...started to go course, jagged, roads deteriorated, etc.   I lived with that for two days, until he released his FFTF Dynamic for P3Dv5H2 version.  I installed it...ran it first with A.S. before hitting the P3D v5HF2 Icon...and as soon as I started climbing out of KORS...from then there on....clear, crisp FULL RIGHT on three sliders visuals...and no further thought about it.  There are a few add-on 3rdP programs that bring out the best of P3D running ANY Orbx title,  and this one mentioned is a MUST HAVE.  Setting your FFTF to one value in your .cfg file is merely throwing darts to the dart board in the dark.  As this program monitors this value, and CHANGES it dynamically on--the-fly,  as you enjoy your flight...is the 'secrete sauce' to the P3D visuals seen on the screen.  


So, even before I (am going) to try this tweak, as soon as I end this post and reboot my system as he suggests as the last procedure,  I already get top-notch visuals (as per my screenshots uploaded) and those screenshots have every Orbx element that is coded into the products. Terrain, autogen, whatever...they are not filtered by my WORLD slider settings.


This program comes with two monitoring settings...FPS  and AGL, and here is the best set up for the most FPS performance and stability you can glean from P3Dv5 andv4 whatever's...


1.  Press the AGL button within the FFTF Dynamic program mask.  Set the high limit from the default 5,000 ft, to 3,000 ft (if you are a 3,500 or less foot VFR flyer).  In your nVidia Driver Mask, set your MAX FPS to 31.  When next running P3D 5 or 4,  set your FPS to 120 (this is VERY important!) as this changes how P3D handles itself upon its threads,  as now, your nVidia Driver Suite will be keeping the FPS to 30-31.   If you do all of the above,   buy the program, run P3D internal at a locked 120 and set your nVidia Driver Suite to 31 locked FPS.  You are going to squeeze out the best performance you can out of your system, running P3D 4 or 5.  One last note...P3D v5 LOVES Hyper thread mode. If you can run that, and you have a Four Core Logic CPU as I have,  you need to add this to the top of your .cfg file:  




If you own a CPU with a higher LOGICAL CORE count...then you will have to figure out the Hexadecimal number that will allow the O.S. to use ONLY the first Logical Core. For a FOUR CORE, CPU,  254 does exactly that.


This will let your system use Core 0 for BIOS, and Core 1-7 will be reserved for P3D operations and threads.  All of the above, gives 100 percent allowance out of P3D whatever...and this is how I run my system.  I have full visuals...Water SECTION, WORLD SECTION, the all of it...wide open.  I want to see what I paid for with internal features of P3D 4 and 5, and then all my 3rdP scenery, regions, terrain, the all of it (!!!), ...and not sliced and diced by reduced sliders within all the Graphic Sections.  The secrete to doing that quite frankly, is buying the FFTF Dynamic  program  (the cost of one low end Orbx Airport) which will allow you to ENJOY every scenery element OF THE Orbx LIBRARY you own!!!!   Again  as a user...this is a no-brainer purchase.  





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Hello OF


This sounds very interesting


This is my system info




I have P3D  v4.5 with HF3 ( maybe I'll move to V5 when I no longer see post of issues about it)


Where in P3D do you set this?


2 hours ago, Orbx Flyer said:

When next running P3D 5 or 4,  set your FPS to 120 (this is VERY important!)


It is strange because I started to suffer blurry scenery after having installed Oregon, which is not making me happy. I have already updated the ram and the video card and I can't be doing that every four or six months






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5 hours ago, carlosqr said:

Hello OF


This sounds very interesting


This is my system info




I have P3D  v4.5 with HF3 ( maybe I'll move to V5 when I no longer see post of issues about it)


Where in P3D do you set this?



It is strange because I started to suffer blurry scenery after having installed Oregon, which is not making me happy. I have already updated the ram and the video card and I can't be doing that every four or six months






Carlos,  any of the T.E. products for P3D(whatever) taxes the best of systems.  But the good news...is that FFTF Dynamic stand alone program 3rP,  BECAUSE it changes the FFTF setting literally on the fly, in real time, can mitigate a lot of the texture load stress brought on the CPU Cores, which are trying to handle the processing threads created by P3D in action.


 What's happening to create the blur and deteriorating-before-your-eyes, rendering of the scenery, is that your CPU is being overwhelmed by the task of updating the real-time load in of textures as you (which is controlled by your animated flight in knots...) and while these poor cores try to 'resolve' and bring into focus, the resolution of the texture, also, your CPU through BIOS, is attempting to retrieve and download those called for textures, ALL AT THE SAME TIME,  trying to load them into the matrix...fully resolve them to the settings called for within P3D (your settings) and just can't DELEGATE the resources to thread out called for,  texture/data retrieval, and at the same time,  resolve those textures to the visual scene being displayed. 


That is why if you press PAUSE, you can sit back and literally see this process in real-time action...you will see mountains form, tighten up, textures upon them,  be added, come into focus, land terrain, the same, autogen, the same...as you sit there on PAUSE.  Then...you press PAUSE off..and for a minute or two, at 80 to 250 knots and above, you see clear well defined ground T.E. or Land Class...and then ALSO...before you eyes...ahead of your flight path...lo and behold, you start to see ground terrain go chunky..blurry....autogen that SHOULD be there but is NOT there, ...be it houses, trees, forests,  or even cars and trucks spawning upon the roadways that now are going grey-jagged...is indicative, that once more, the CPU simply can not allocate simultaneous BIOS operations, as well as defining how the textures should look...and sending that to the GPU to process the visuals.  That once more..is where FFTF Dynamic for V5 or  you can also get it for v4 comes into play.


On the fly it allocates thread resources by adjusting the Fiber Frame Time Fraction coding of P3D 4 and 5. That is the SECRET to getting your cake and eating it too.  I have an 8 year old CPU...only 4 core...running a GTX 1070 (not Ti!), at 8GB and get fabulous, simply fabulous visual renderings of the WORLD three slides fully right.  Why?  Because no matter what I am asking to be loaded in...no matter where I am flying....whether in  PNW, or AUS2...whether it be over open forests, suburbia....a downtown city scape...my Fiber Frame Time Fraction is being dynamically ALTERED AS, I fly over assorted and different texture/scenery demand scenarios...and setting the FFTF to give me the best thread usage across my operating cores that are assigned to this task.   To not have this program...is just crippling your ability to leverage the full enjoyment of the Orbx content within each product.  Remember...when you use the sliders in ANY portion of P3D. FSX, XPlane...you are creating content FILTERS...that hold back elements of those Orbx products..AND NOT ONLY THAT...it takes (and here's the kick in the butt...) it takes CPU processing to FIGURE OUT WHAT NOT to send in Orbx scenery content, to the GPU!!!!!!! 


 It costs less CPU usage (in actuality) to run the sim as it was created and intended to run....FULL OUT...all sliders RIGHT...that holds nothing back, in the 'render-to-screen' pipeline.   It costs CPU assets to HOLD back,to filter process that hold back...that filter of texture, of autogen,  BEFORE it sends out its data stream to the GPU.   So...that's where the genius and beauty of the dev who created a means of monitoring the FFTF as the sim runs...and CHANGES that .cfg setting AS THE SIM RUNS....brilliant!   It allows you then, to OPEN UP P3D...turn off those slider/data filters...and let your sim BREATHE! 


Buying the mentioned program should be the first thing anybody does BEFORE another scenery package is purchased....for why?  It will allow you to get every morsel of what great content Orbx puts into each title...for if your sliders are anything but full out...you ain't seeing it! Not the 100 percent of what they put into each square mile!


Carlos...you also can run in HyperThread and use the following added to the TOP of your P3D 4 or 5 .cfg file, because you also like mine, have a 4 core LOGICAL proccessor.  This setting in your .cfg at the top...along with running in HyperThread AND...with running FFTF Dynamic...WILL KICK RENDERING BUTT!



Running with this and H.T. on...will mean that Logical CORE 0 will be preserved for O.S. BIOS operations...and CORE 1-7 (of your eight H.T. core logical/virtual) will be reserved to running P3D processing threads.  This really frees up the CPU to shine...


This is exactly what you need...and to set your internal FPS to a locked 120 is on the lower right of the main Graphics Mask.  You'll see it...set it 120, which is the one FPS setting on the slider before UNLIMITED FPS.  Be SURE to then go into your nVidia (whatever version) driver suite and set IT,  where you do so...to 31 FPS. Then...set your Vsync to 1/2 Screen Res...(you'll see that selection in the drop down) and then remember to press APPLY. You are good to go...you will see that your running of P3D v4 or 5 will keep to 30-31 FPS,  but...having your in-sim FPS setting locked to 120, allows for FFTF Dynamic to fully, and properly address the FFTF coding....and give you the full rendering horsepower of your particular CPU/GPU.   Have fun...if you decide to take my advice.


Cheers, Carlos...

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Ok sounds very interesting and tempting

I'll be reaching you in private for some questions if you don't mind

I did the trick in the video and there has been an improvement indeed

So, I'll reach you soon



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3 hours ago, carlosqr said:

Ok sounds very interesting and tempting

I'll be reaching you in private for some questions if you don't mind

I did the trick in the video and there has been an improvement indeed

So, I'll reach you soon



Because I am running FFTF Dynamic for V5 already, I don't know if I saw a better P3D usage, with the modifications to the Registry..but certainly, nothing negative with the modified entries either.  Yep..PM for what you might want to have clarified, or settings within P3D.

BTW, Carlos...when you install FFTF Dynamic for either v4 or v5 P3D,   IF, you get from W10 Virus Security a positive hit...yes...you might..but it is a negative. The coding of FFTF Dynamic needs to interact and more importantly...WRITE a new FFTF fraction INTO P3D on the fly. That has triggered a 'virus' hit when W10 Virus or any other Virus program,  parses it as it is being installed.  What some have to do, is to create an EXCEPTION for the program, so it will install, and or will run without W10 Virus interceding and saying there is a virus present. I had to do that as well, but was no big deal at all.  Just an FYI so you don't get alarmed or frustrated, if you see this when trying to install it.  Once you install and make an exception, (if you even need to do that...each system is different),  the program runs in the background like ASP.   My M.O. is to run Active Sky for P3D,  see the mask come up...reduce it to the taskbar...then run FFTF Dynamic, when it comes up...reduce it to the task bar...for you never have to interact with it beyond your running it...or wanting to make your own personal settings within it...and then I press P3D v5 and let the games begin... :)

Post Edit:  Carlos, or anybody else following this thread...you need to purchase the FFTF Dynamic for the version of P3D you want to run it with.  FFTF Dynamic for P3Dv4 will NOT RUN if trying to use it with P3Dv5HF2.  There is a separate FFTF Dynamic for v5.   When you buy...pay attention to the version that is offered on your screen.  Some have purchased for v4, when they wanted the program to run in v5!   They look absolutely the same, on the open running MASK....so again,  take your time and make sure you have the version on the screen from your purchasing source, for your v4 or v5 P3D intended usage!!!!


Being that I still use both P3D v4 as well as v5,  I bought both versions needed.  Wouldn't leave home without them...lol!

Edited by Orbx Flyer
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32 minutes ago, Orbx Flyer said:

Because I am running FFTF Dynamic for V5 already, I don't know if I saw a better P3D usage, with the modifications to the Registry..but certainly, nothing negative with the modified entries either.  Yep..PM for what you might want to have clarified, or settings within P3D.

BTW, Carlos...when you install FFTF Dynamic for either v4 or v5 P3D,   IF, you get from W10 Virus Security a positive hit...yes...you might..but it is a negative. The coding of FFTF Dynamic needs to interact and more importantly...WRITE a new FFTF fraction INTO P3D on the fly. That has triggered a 'virus' hit when W10 Virus or any other Virus program,  parses it as it is being installed.  What some have to do, is to create an EXCEPTION for the program, so you it will install, and or will run without W10 Virus interceding and saying there is as virus present. I had to do that as well, but was no big deal at all.  Just an FYI so you don't get alarmed or frustrated, if you see this when trying to install it.  Once you install and make an exception, (if you even need to do that...each system is different),  the program runs in the background like ASP.   My M.O. is to run Active Sky for P3D,  see the mask come up...reduce it to the taskbar...then run FFTF Dynamic, when it comes up...reduce it to the task bar...for you never have to interact with it beyond your running it...or wanting to make your own personal settings within it...and then I press P3D v5 and let the games begin... :)

Post Edit:  Carlos, or anybody else following this thread...you need to purchase the FFTF Dynamic for the version of P3D you want to run it with.  FFTF Dynamic for P3Dv4 will NOT RUN if trying to use it with P3Dv5HF2.  There is a separate FFTF Dynamic for v5.   When you buy...pay attention to the version that is offered on your screen.  Some have purchased for v4, when they wanted the program to run in v5!   They look absolutely the same, on the open running MASK....so again,  take your time and make sure you have the version on the screen from your purchasing source, for your v4 or v5 P3D intended usage!!!!


Being that I still use both P3D v4 as well as v5,  I bought both versions needed.  Wouldn't leave home without them...lol!

All noted

Best regards


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I'm very reticent to get that dynamic tool, one because I've read many reviews that say it makes no difference, and two because I've already played around with the FFTF and it makes absolutely no difference, still blurry textures. That registry trick had no effect either. Thank you very much for your input chaps, it's much appreciated, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I've missed.

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3 hours ago, rondon9898 said:

I'm very reticent to get that dynamic tool, one because I've read many reviews that say it makes no difference, and two because I've already played around with the FFTF and it makes absolutely no difference, still blurry textures. That registry trick had no effect either. Thank you very much for your input chaps, it's much appreciated, but I'm wondering if there's anything else I've missed.


Hi Rondon,  because of my purchase and usage of FFTF Dynamic for P3D v5HF2; 


You are missing the textures you see here, at full WORLD 3 sliders full right Extremely Dense.  Water(s) at full Ultra Setting. All sub-boxes checked on. The entire P3D graphic section that includes Tessellation at full right.  All textures fully developed. All ground terrain and textures fully developed and crisp, in the foreground, in the background, as I fly over them at 108-110 knots....roads fully formed,  coastlines fully formed, no blur, no cross jag. All autogen that is supposed to be in the visuals, are there, fully resolved, clear, and crisp, including the 4K HD buildings.My entire scene at nearly 4K is ground and field textures,  fully formed right out to the very horizon background. You are missing all that,  and I am not, by means of FFTF Dynamic for P3D v5HF2.   Rondon, your choice to purchase and use, or not of course....for it's exactly this kind of texture and autogen load in, that kills FPS, and causes the partial resolution blur. To see the textures and clarity left mouse click once on each picture, and then left click once more. Truly bring up to full screen size all the screen shots below, for they truly prove my assertions to be B.S. free.


My Sim environment FPS is locked by my nVidia Driver Suite, and IN SIM, is set to 120 FPS. What is keeping me at my preferred 31 FPS is my nVidia Driver Suite setting.


Note the FPS reading and altitude (that alone can be a texture blur inducer!)  at the top left...as I fly over this absolutely dense and autogen filled visual(s). This is what you will be and are missing out on, (if I take my comment cues from your O.P. thread title), ....my fully locked 30-31 FPS with P3D's WORLD at full right on all three sliders....with both Orbx Tree additions, as well as Buildings HD.  I took this flight just after I typed my two replies to Carlos...within Orbx Australia v2.



















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