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Error message, can't install NZNI

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Sorry, couldn't locate my Central log file.


Operating system:  Win 10 Pro v10.0.18363

Simulator:  P3D v4.5 HF2


Issue:  Every time I try to install NZNI in Orbx Central, I get a pop-up with the following -  "Error: This product cannot be installed anywhere. You may need to create a library in the Orbx Central settings." I have multiple Orbx regions, LC packages etc. installed, all without a single problem. It's only this file. My Orbx scenery is on another drive (D:) and I have a symlink set up (actually a directory junction is what I used for that) . No problems uninstalling/reinstalling anything other than NZNI. I intentionally chose not to create libraries through Orbx Central.


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Hi Dan


You will need to go to settings/Libraries and create a new Library in a location of your choosing, this is also required mandatory for the installation of ObjectFlow, Objectflow will then use 7mb of space in that new folder, and everything will work properly. Orbx Central will then give you the choice to install your products to that folder or to the root simulator folder. There are obviously a few Orbx products now that do require being installed to a library because of their method of development

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