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Missing autogen after HF2 install

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I noticed that some places in P3d v5 hf2, there is missing autogen buildings etc, i verified Vector, Global Base, OpenLC USA and then went to Orbx central and synchronized scenery with p3d, but still there is missing autogen. Is this issue in Sim itself or did i miss something when i reinstalled all my Orbx products for p3d v5 hf2?



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Well, first i uninstalled Client, then Content and then scenery, and after that i reinstalled all earlier mentioned with latest installers, then i run the sim, it made all needed (terrain.cfg) etc, after the sim was in main window view, i closed sim, then i went to Orbx central, verified all Orbx installed files(many times i repeated this) then i went to Syn Simulator(made this also many times) still i have the issue there.

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Can confirm this behaviour.

Done the verify and sync.

Holes in the autogen and patchwork/tile effect.

Also appears to be a mix of day/night and lo-res/hi-res which changes in flight.


Nick: checking out your other fix here for my last point


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