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Error !


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Hello ,

 I am trying to Update a Couple of products and also to Install the just released ENAL Ålesund Vigra and I keep on getting the following error :

 Error : Could not download and save the manifest !

 I have attached my central log .


Any idea what is going on ?

Thank you ,







Operating system:  Windows 10

Simulator:  Prepar3DV4.5.3


Issue:  Error message



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there are some suggestions in the Orbx Central User Guide, perhaps try them first.


Could not download and save the manifest

The most common cause of this is some form of software on your computer that interferes with your network connection (such as a strict firewall or proxy server). The manifest files are served from our infrastructure provider Google, therefore anything that may be preventing a secure connection being made to Google can cause this error.


You can disable the strict network security requirements used by manifest downloading by performing the following:



  • Make sure Orbx Central is not running

  • Right-click on your Orbx Central shortcut and press ‘Properties’

  • In the ‘Target:’ box, add strict-ssl false


  • Press OK

  • Start Orbx Central by double-clicking on that shortcut


Note: You may need to press ‘Open File Location’ on the icon in order to find the actual shortcut.

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Hello Nick and thank you for your reply !

 I have tried your suggestion but with no success !

 At the moment I am unable to Install or Update anything . :(

 I haver tried to Uninstall and Reinstall Orbx Central , but I still get the same error !

 Until Yesterday everything worked Perfect . I have no idea why or what happened and today I got this error  .

 Any other help to solve this issue will be much appreciated !




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8 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:


I wonder if your antivirus software has had a definition update, could that be?

Hello Nick ,

 Could you please be more specific because I have no idea what is a definition update !

 I am running Panda Endpoint Protection !

 I Just talked to the Administrator ( of my Antivirus ) in order to exclude Orbx Central from Panda Protection , but unfortunately I cannot get rid of my Issue !


Thanks again ,


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Every now and then, usually quite often, the virus definitions are updated.

As I understand it, this is a database of known viruses which can change and include

an exe file that was not previously included.

I think also that many anti virus programs also have a catchall, where a file that is not recognised but

could be a virus is quarantined just in case.

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6 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Every now and then, usually quite often, the virus definitions are updated.

As I understand it, this is a database of known viruses which can change and include

an exe file that was not previously included.

I think also that many anti virus programs also have a catchall, where a file that is not recognised but

could be a virus is quarantined just in case.

So what do you suggest I should do ?

Because to be honest I have run out of options !

Should I Uninstall and Reinstall my Antivirus ?

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10 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

It might not be the problem.

You could try reinstalling Orbx Central.

I tried twice and unfortunately nothing happened !

I will wait a couple of days , maybe and hopefully the problem will be solved ( I doubt it ) and I will get back to you !

I just bought ENAL and I cannot install it :(

If you think of anything else , please let me know !


Thank you very much for your help



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As well as uninstalling Orbx Central, before you reinstall it,

please also delete:

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\Orbx-central-updater

C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\Programs\Orbx-central

and delete your temp folder\Orbx.

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Hello Nick !

I tried your suggestion , but still the same errors !!

I even Uninstalled my Antivirus , tried Orbx Central , and again I get the same errors !

I have lost people flow at 11S and most probably to other Orbx airport's as well !

Maybe this is because my Orbx Central is Unable to Sync with my Simulator ! I tried to Verify a couple of products , but I am Unable !

No idea what else I should do !


I appreciate help

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Hello Nick !


 I managed to fix the issue which gave me a headache the last couple of days !

 I found out that there was a Zip file  (package.7z )   that it did not extract in Users , Mike , AppData , Local , Orbx-centralupdater  .

 I extract it and then I Run Orbx Central !!

 To my Surprise , Orbx Central worked Perfect , without any more issues :)

 I updated all of my products and Downloaded ENAL plus I Synchronize my Simulator !

 Everything is working now !


 Thank you for your help , much appreciated !!



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