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Global Vector for P3Dv5

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Global Vector, being a culmination of years of R&D and GIS data development, was originally released for Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D in 2013 and has now been made avaiable for P3Dv5.


This version specifically for P3Dv5 is a derivative of the original Vector release. Prepar3D v5 itself contains a completely new build of the default landscape and airports, the first time this has happened since the release of its predecessor, FSX. However, while Vector uses the same Open Street Map database, it’s features are more configurable (via the control panel) and uses custom road and shoreline textures, which integrate better with our other Global products.


The main difference to the original version of Vector is the removal of the adjusted airport elevations for default airports. This component is not compatible with Prepar3D v5, which uses current and more accurate layouts compared to the original Vector database. Moreover, hundreds of airport ICAOs have changed in Prepar3D v5, which would cause duplicate airports to be displayed at those locations when using Vector’s airports.


Orbx's Global Vector's landscape is based on the same Open Street Map database but is several years older. Also, its airport database is essentially a copy of the old FSX version. That's why we assumed that Vector would be superfluous and, in fact, outdated, in P3Dv5.


As it turns out though there are quite a number of issues with the new default landscape files in P3Dv5, as reported by customers. Lockheed Martin will most likely fix many of them but it will take them time. Moreover, the road network and shorelines use default textures while Vector has custom textures and also offers additional features like the corridors/right-of-ways for divided highways, 3D lighting for urban streets, etc.


The elevation adjustment feature of Vector had to be removed because all of its airports use the old layouts meaning airport data from 2006. Moreover, hundreds of airport ICAOs have changed in P3Dv5 and that would cause duplicate airports to be displayed at those locations.


Thus, this version of Vector, strictly for P3Dv5, includes "only" the landscape files, that is road/railroad network, shorelines and lakes/rivers, golf courses, parks, etc.


This version is a free to customers with original VECTOR product or available to purchase for AUD $49.95 for new customers.


Below are some comparison shots taken in P3Dv5 with 


P3Dv5 + Global Base + Vector



P3Dv5 + Global Base





P3Dv5 + Global Base + Vector


P3Dv5 + Global Base





P3Dv5 + Global Base + Vector


P3Dv5 + Global Base





P3Dv5 + Global Base + Vector


P3Dv5 + Global Base





P3Dv5 + Global Base + Vector


P3Dv5 + Global Base





P3Dv5 + Global Base + Vector


P3Dv5 + Global Base




P3Dv5 + Global Base + Vector


P3Dv5 + Global Base





P3Dv5 + Global Base + Vector


P3Dv5 + Global Base




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