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Last update moved Global Base to the top of lib

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Did the update today and saw that it somehow moved the Global Base layer ontop of the library. And sorting in the Insertion point dropdownlist doesnt sort it below anymore.


Does it matter or do i have to sort it again to the bottom somewhere?


2020-05-26T21:05:32.520Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Added passive layer Orbx Libraries Global - layer 145
2020-05-26T21:05:32.520Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Added passive layer Orbx Libraries Lookup - layer 146
2020-05-26T21:05:32.520Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [INFO] Added passive layer Orbx Global Base Scenery - layer 238



Also, i saw this here. What should i do with this?

2020-05-26T21:05:32.521Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [WARNING] Found entries with duplicate title (Orbx!OPENLC_zBASE)
2020-05-26T21:05:32.521Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [WARNING] Found entries with duplicate title (Orbx!OPENLC_EUROPE1)
2020-05-26T21:05:32.521Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [WARNING] Found entries with duplicate title (Orbx!OPENLC_NAMERICA1)
2020-05-26T21:05:32.521Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [WARNING] Found entries with duplicate title (Orbx!OPENLC_AFRICA2)
2020-05-26T21:05:32.521Z [INFO] [Saturn] - [WARNING] Found entries with duplicate title (Orbx!OPENLC_!EUROPE_LIGHTS)

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Well, not on first sight. But now the functions in insertion point menu where one can sort is basically useless/unneeded?


Because i tell that everything Orbx is getting inserted below thrdparty airports. And this doesnt work now anymore. Every product where i make a filecheck gets set to the top of library too. So its very cluttered atm.... Pretty confusing tbh

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