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Orbx errors

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I've been having these errors while installing/running Orbx GB TE South.  Apologies if the other one is cropped, I fly with 3 monitors used for display and I guess that got cut due to bezel compensation.  I've tried verifying the files for GB TE South after the Central error, I even tried uninstalling all my Orbx scenery and letting it install again, same error occurs for GB TE South.  I can fly out of EGLC but I get an error if I try to load EGHH or EGHI.  Any help appreciated!

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Restarted the PC and still got the errors, here's what the log file says:



0:00:40.321 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0:00:40.321 E/SYS: | Error, could not locate image file for terrain
0:00:40.321 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/terrain/aad0xfb90x17M.ter
0:00:40.321 E/SYS: | Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/terrain/
0:00:40.321 E/SYS: | ../textures/aad0xfb90x17.dds
0:00:40.321 E/SYS: | (REN_terrain.cpp:168)
0:00:40.321 E/SYS: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I've attached the log file in case that is needed.


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7 hours ago, SimFlyer15 said:

Restarted the PC and still got the errors, here's what the log file says:



I've attached the log file in case that is needed.

Log.txt 47.1 kB · 1 download

Where is your temp folder located and how much free space is on the drive that has that folder?

I don't know if you have read this guide to installing the large TE addons, but you need to pay particular attention to the references made to free space requirements on disks and the default location of the Temp folder and how to move it if disk space is not enough.





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I did have the "check disk space before installing" option ticked and this went to my C: drive with 130GB free space.  Is that not enough?  I've now transferred it to a storage drive with 1.9TB free space.  However, I was getting the installation warning error even when installing Orbx Libraries which doesn't take up much space.

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6 hours ago, SimFlyer15 said:

I did have the "check disk space before installing" option ticked and this went to my C: drive with 130GB free space.  Is that not enough?  I've now transferred it to a storage drive with 1.9TB free space.  However, I was getting the installation warning error even when installing Orbx Libraries which doesn't take up much space.

130GB free space on your C drive where I assume your Temp folder is located, should be ample room. I am trying to think what the issue in your case could be as you seem to have sufficient free space in both drives.

Please attach you Orbx Central log file available via Orbx Central/settings/help. @Nick Cooperplease move to Orbx Central help forum


 While waiting for Orbx Central support to respond after you have submitted your current Orbx central log, please try this.
I want you to now, clear your Temp folder, remove any backup copy you may have and then run a Verify Files for TEGB South.

How to action the clearing to the Temp folder and location of any back up files you may have are illustrated in the pic below.

If that fails, then one last shot is to uninstall using Orbx Central, reboot PC, open Orbx central and try and reinstall.

If that also fails then please attach your Orbx central log file again immediately after you have tried to reinstall as mentioned above.





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Hi Jon and thanks for the help.  I should make it clear that the C: drive had 130GB of free space (temp folder) which I've now relocated to a storage drive with 1.9TB of free space.  The backup folder was (and still is) located in that same HDD with 1.9TB free space.  The Orbx files were going into my XP11 folder and that drive had 300GB free space.


I've cleared the temp folder and deleted the backup files and re-installed everything from scratch.  I notice now that Central has also been patched to v4.1.10.  I am not sure whether it was a corrupt download (as I kept getting connection interrupted messages) or some bug with Central but I have now managed to reinstall everything without the installation warning errors. 


When I was still getting the errors, multiple reboots and getting Central to verify files multiple times did not fix the issue.

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1 hour ago, SimFlyer15 said:

Hi Jon and thanks for the help.  I should make it clear that the C: drive had 130GB of free space (temp folder) which I've now relocated to a storage drive with 1.9TB of free space.  The backup folder was (and still is) located in that same HDD with 1.9TB free space.  The Orbx files were going into my XP11 folder and that drive had 300GB free space.


I've cleared the temp folder and deleted the backup files and re-installed everything from scratch.  I notice now that Central has also been patched to v4.1.10.  I am not sure whether it was a corrupt download (as I kept getting connection interrupted messages) or some bug with Central but I have now managed to reinstall everything without the installation warning errors. 


When I was still getting the errors, multiple reboots and getting Central to verify files multiple times did not fix the issue.

That's good news and glad it finally got sorted.

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