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ADD ONS.cfg / Program Data

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Man this one is weird....


Yesterday everything was fine in the sim....used it with lovely fps and was performing as expected.


Today I climb into the sim after updating windows to 2004 build and the sim is still flying fine, in fact, getting smoother steady frames now and not as intensive gpu and ram loads.....its all balanced and running fine....


Doing a flight around my local airport and everything is fine.....

out of curisoty of if some Orbx add ons are loading, I look in the add on cfg file......


I go into the add on.cfg in program data and its totally empty!


Not a single package is in there.....


I look in the add on library within the sim and all the products are there and working.....

I head into Central and they all show green......

Three flights in the sim later after trying to activate and deactivate certain items that were in this index and everything is working as is.....



Have I fallen asleep or something??

Is this even possible? 


Looking in the add on.cfg within app data and the add ons Im using sit in there....but nothing in the other add on cfg.......

I have tried syncing the sim and I always start the sim with admin rights..... the only pc changes have been the 2004 update and a plane install and uninstall.....but it wasnt installed as an add on....

again, the sim performs fine... 



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okay, what is going on here???


I installed Lukla X for version 5 as the update came.... It didnt ask me if I wanted to install it as an add on, it just did by default, it seems to have a very different install from v4 in terms of what is written in the xml file..... no longer is there an assigned scenery layer, its just an add on like any other..... so I have a look in the add on folder and suddenly everything has come back! 


Yet this time when I restart my sim, I can seem to load Orbx into the sim even tho they are ticked in the add on menu....

The weird thing is that the add ons list begin about 60 lines down in the cfg file....I had to bring it back up to the top......


and at the very top is Lukla....which Im thinking I should just remove from this document to see what happens...... then also see if it works as well....


this is all so weird! 

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Quick question to Orbx if anyone is following this....

Should the following be at the top of the add on.cfg or down at the bottom below the highest numbered add on


TITLE=Orbx Main Library



this keeps jumping from top to bottom everytime I sync my sim

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I'm having weird issues with my add ons as well. Everytime I add a new scenery or change something, when I start P3D it asks me to re-enable EVERY single Orbx scenery I have. No idea what's going on but it's driving me nuts.

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check to see if you add on file is in a read only state? 

also check the other add on file in appdate/p3dv5/ addon.xml.....just check the entries are there as well that are in the documents folder..... uncheck the read only state if you see that under the properties of the xml files... 

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