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What is the total HDDD space required for UK South nstall process

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I have 160GB free on my XPlane drive (F:). Docuumentation says 27GB for installation and 1127GB for uncompressed files.


So why won't this install with 160GB free?


I get an error after installation saying files are not correct/verified.


I have 80GB free on my C:


Same error is I set temp drive to C: or F:


Grateful for your help. 




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Thanks! I played around with different temp file settings. 


It will not install when temp and install drive is F: (170GB free), where X-Plane is installed. This should be enough disk space according to all the docs I can find


It also will not install with temp set to C: (80GB free) and install drive as F:. Tried this in case the temp drive could be smaller, to free up space on the install drive.


What is the total disk space required to install this product. Saying it requires 127GB is disingenuous to customers. I have 170GB free and it fails! 


Many thanks! I also have purchased Southampton and Popham airports, so just want to enjoy these beautiful products!


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Please attach your Orbx Central log file available via Orbx Central/settings/help.

FYI. Download=26GB which then requires extracting the files to at least twice that much = 60+GB.

Installed size =127GB.

All disk drives require approx 10-15% of their capacity to remain free in order to operate as designed. Therefore on C drive you are near or approaching the maximum tolerance.

If you placed you Temp folder into your F drive which has 170GB plus your XP installation then again you will not have enpugh free space as you will need the 26GB download, expanded after extracting the files to approx 60GB plus then the conversion and installation on the same drive, of the installed 127GB.

So for a temporary duration you will be needing almost 190Gb of free space in addition to the 10-15% for disk operation. You will recover space after the install is complete as it will remove the files from the Temp folder.

 It does look as though your don't have the required initial free space required.



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11 hours ago, SmilerKT said:

Thanks Jon, that's the info I was looking for!


Would be good for you to update the product page and instructions so people know they actually need 190gb to install the product. 

The installed size of 127GB is made in the info section. The figure i gave you of  approx 190GB relates solely to having a download, extraction, conversion and installation ALL on one drive, plus the 10-15% of free space a drive is recommended to have to  operate at optimum designed level. Once you have installed it then it will take only 127GB of space, but only having one drive means all the processes will be done on that one drive. The norm is to have an additional drive for installation as XP is not recommended to be ion your C or OS drive.

The figures are therefore correct in the info

27GB for download

54GB for extraction

127GB for installation

 So for most users, you would need 54GB +10-15% free space on the C drive, and then 127GB +10-15% on the drive you want to install onto.

I hope the above clarifies.

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Thanks Jon.


Installation failed with the following configuration:

C: 80GB free - set as temp drive

F: 170GB free - set as installation drive


So your recommendation didn't seem to work for me:

"So for most users, you would need 54GB +10-15% free space on the C drive, and then 127GB +10-15% on the drive you want to install onto."


I'm just putting together a new PC now anyway with a 1TB M2 drive, so shouldn't have any more problems. Can't wait!


Thanks again,


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